
Recorded Crimes and Offences involving Firearms, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin on crimes and offences involving firearms recorded by the police in Scotland in 2013-14.

Table 5: Use of firearm in offences involving the alleged use of a firearm, Scotland, 2004-05 to 2013-14 Number & Percentage

How Firearm Used 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-131 2013-14 % change 12-13 to 13-14
Fired - fatal injury 8 8 8 4 2 2 2 5 1 1 -
Fired - non-fatal injury 316 189 240 208 141 152 109 90 65 42 -35
Fired - damage to property 500 499 314 222 211 175 91 77 66 66 -
Fired - no injury/damage 61 68 231 286 223 186 139 114 62 74 19
Total Fired 885 764 793 720 577 515 341 286 194 183 -6
Used as a blunt instrument 14 10 18 10 11 12 13 13 10 5 -50
Used to threaten 202 216 319 266 240 218 251 197 129 142 10
Other uses 35 78 130 147 142 96 42 39 32 44 38
Total 1,136 1,068 1,260 1,143 970 841 647 535 365 374 2


1. As a result of a change in recording practices by Lothian and Borders Police, their data for 2012-13 are not directly comparable with previous years. For further information please see Note 5.5.6.

Table 5a: Use of identified firearm (excluding air weapons) in offences involving the alleged use of a firearm, Scotland, 2004-05 to 2013-14 Number & Percentage


1. As a result of a change in recording practices by Lothian and Borders Police, their data for 2012-13 are not directly comparable with previous years. For further information please see Note 5.5.6.


Email: Alastair Greig

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