Recovery Housing in Scotland: Mapping and capacity survey of providers 2022/23

This report provides the findings of a mapping and capacity survey of recovery housing facilities for drug and alcohol use in Scotland.

Appendix A: Recovery Housing in Scotland: Capacity Survey

The Residential Rehabilitation Development Working Group (RRDWG), chaired by Dr David McCartney, was established in April 2021 as a successor to the Residential Rehab Working Group (RRWG). Its role is to provide independent advice to the Minister for Drug and Alcohol Policy and advise the Scottish Government on good practice, funding or other areas within devolved competence in relation to residential rehabilitation for problem substance use. The RRDWG has highlighted the need to better understand how other services that operate alongside residential rehabilitation provide support to people who use drugs or alcohol.

Specifically, this survey has been developed by the Scottish Government to help us better understand the provision of recovery housing support for people using drugs and/or alcohol. This survey seeks to gather information about recovery housing facilities in Scotland, in order to develop a fuller understanding of the existing provision and capacity of this service in Scotland.

You may have been invited to take part in this survey if you are based somewhere else in the UK. Although we are interested in mapping the provision and capacity of recovery housing facilities in Scotland, this includes exploring whether Scottish residents travel elsewhere for recovery housing services. We would appreciate any information you can provide.

The survey will be live until Friday, the 11th of August and should take about 30 minutes to complete. Not all questions may be relevant to you, but we would be grateful if you could complete the survey to the best of your ability as gathering this level of detail is essential to getting as full a picture of existing provision as possible.

If your recovery housing service is split over several sites/buildings and these buildings differ in how they are managed (including governance and entry requirements), operate, the profile of residents (e.g. sex or age) and/or with the recovery model they follow, please provide a separate response per recovery housing facility. If they do not differ, please only respond to the survey once but specify the different geographic areas of these buildings and how places for individuals are broken down across these.

While the recovery housing facilities will be listed in the report, data will be aggregated (including business sensitive data), and steps will be taken to ensure that individual providers are not identifiable from their answers. Data will be managed in line with data protection protocols. In filling out this survey, please do not describe any identifiable information about your residents. Participation in this research is voluntary and you have the right to stop or withdraw your consent at any point during or after completing the survey. If you have any concerns about how your data will be processed, please contact

We hope to provide a summary report of the findings in summer 2023.

If you have any questions about this survey or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch by email at

Do you consent to being a participant in this research and for your data to be used as outlined above?

[single option]

  • Yes
  • No [End of Survey]

1. About You (Key Contact)

Q1a) Name [open text]

Q1b) Job title [open text]

Q1c) Email address [open text]

Q1d) Name of your organisation [open text]

Q1e) Organisation type [single option; response options: Statutory, Third Sector, Private, Other]

Q1f) Postcode of your recovery housing facility (If you have multiple buildings/sites and they differ in how they operate, please submit a separate response for each. If they operate the same way, then please list the different post codes here) [open text]

2. The Facility

Q2) Where are you based?

[single option]

  • Scotland [go to Q7]
  • England [go to Q3]
  • Northern Ireland [go to Q3]
  • Wales [go to Q3]
  • Other (please specify) [go to Q3]

Q3) Did you have residents who were living in Scotland prior to starting at your facility during the financial year 2022/23?

[single option]

  • Yes [go to Q4]
  • No [go to Q5]

Q4) What proportion (e.g. a third, half, all) of your residents were previously living in Scotland during the financial year 2022/23?

[open text]

[go to Q8]

Q5) Please provide more details.

[open text]

[go to Q6]

Q6) Do you have any other relevant information to share on Scottish residents accessing recovery housing in your area?

[open text]

[Survey ends]

Q7) How often did your residents come from the following areas prior to starting at your facility (in the financial year 2022/23)?

[single option; response options: Very Often, Often, Rarely, Never, I don’t know]

  • Your local Alcohol and Drug Partnership area/NHS Health Board area: [text box]
  • Rest of Scotland: [text box]
  • Rest of UK: [text box]
  • International: [text box]

Q8) Which of the following terms, if any, does your facility identify with? (select all that apply)

[multiple choice]

  • Dry house
  • Halfway House
  • Move on house/flats/housing
  • Oxford House
  • Recovery House
  • Sober living house
  • Supported accommodation
  • Other (please specify)

Q9a) To what extent do you agree with the following statements describing recovery housing?

[single option; response options: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree]

  • ‘Recovery housing generally refers to alcohol- and drug-free living environments that provide peer support for those wanting to initiate and sustain recovery from alcohol and other drug (AOD) disorders.’
  • ‘Recovery Housing helps individuals in recovery to transition into independent living and sustained recovery.’
  • ‘Recovery houses are safe, healthy, family-like environment that support individuals in recovery from addiction.
  • ‘While recovery housing facilities vary widely in structure, all are centred on providing connections to other peers in recovery and to services that promote long-term recovery.’

Q9b) How would you best describe your facility?

[open text]

Q10) How many buildings (e.g. flats/houses) make up your recovery housing service?

[open text]

Q11) How many beds/places per building do you offer?

[open text]

Q12) How many residents do you currently have? If your facility is not based in Scotland, how many residents coming from Scotland do you currently have (total number at time of survey completion)?

[open text]

Q13) What is the main focus of your recovery facility?

[single option]

  • Sole focus on problem drug use
  • Sole focus on problem alcohol use
  • Focus on both problem alcohol and drug use
  • Other (please describe)

Q14) How often did residents have the following substances in their history of use (in the financial year 2022/23)?

[single option; response options: Very Often, Often, Rarely, Never, I don’t know]

  • Alcohol
  • Poly drug use (not including alcohol)
  • Amphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines (prescription/street)
  • Cannabinoids (inc. synthetic)
  • Cocaine (powder/crack)
  • Gabapentinoids
  • Opiates
  • Prescription-only painkillers
  • Other (please specify)

Q15) How often did people attending your facility have the following mental health concerns (in the financial year 2022/23)?

[single option; response options: Very Often, Often, Rarely, Never, I don’t know]

  • No mental health concerns
  • Multiple mental health concerns
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Alcohol-related brain damage
  • Anxiety disorders, including general anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Mood disorders, including bipolar disorder and depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Other (please specify)

Q16) What sex does your facility admit?

[multiple choice]

  • Only males
  • Only females
  • Both males and females
  • Other (please specify)

Q17a) Which, if any, of the following groups does your facility cater for? (select all that apply)

[multiple choice]

  • Men with dependent children
  • Women with dependent children
  • Pregnant women
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People who were formerly in prison
  • People with mental health concerns (e.g. depression, anxiety, etc.)
  • People with a physical disability
  • People with a learning disability
  • People from the Traveller community
  • People from the LGBTI community
  • People with different religions
  • People with no religion
  • Other (please specify)
  • None of the above

Q17b) If applicable, please provide details of any specific measures taken to cater for these groups.

[open text]

Q18a) Which of the following age groups does your facility cater for? (select all that apply)

[multiple choice]

  • Children (Under 18)
  • Young People (18-25)
  • Adults (26-64)
  • Older adults (65 and over)

Q18b) Which age group is the most common demographic of your residents?

[open text]

Q19) Please describe the paid staff workforce in your facility and their role (e.g. doctors, nurses, administrative staff, support staff, house manager).

[open text]

Q20) Please describe the volunteer staff workforce in your facility and their role (e.g. doctors, nurses, administrative staff, support staff, house manager).

[open text]

Q21) Please describe whether people with lived experience are involved in the running of the facility and what role they play. Please specify whether this is in a volunteer or paid capacity.

[open text]

3. Identification, Referral, and Admittance of Residents

Q22a) What criteria must typically be met for individuals to be deemed to suitable for admission at your recovery housing facility? Please select all that apply and provide details where appropriate.

[multiple choice]

  • Completion of a residential rehabilitation programme
  • Evidence of motivation towards recovery
  • Extended period (years) of problem substance use
  • No history of specific offences (e.g. arson, violence crime)
  • No unspent/outstanding arrest warrants/criminal charges.
  • No diagnosed mental health concerns
  • Stable on Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST)
  • Stable on prescribed medication (excluding OST)
  • No/limited use of non-prescribed medication
  • Evidence of a plan in place for future accommodation
  • Has support network of family and friends
  • Period of abstinence prior to admission
  • No specific entry requirements
  • Other (Please specify)

Q22b) Please provide details.

[open text]

Q23) What is the process for assessing and responding to applications to your facility? Please describe who is involved in the decision-making process.

[open text]

Q24a) In the last month how many applications have you declined? If you are not based in Scotland, how many applications coming from Scotland have you declined?

[open text]

Q24b) Please specify why this was (e.g. capacity constraints, individuals did not meet entry criteria, other reasons).

[open text]

Q25) What do you think are the main barriers for individuals seeking recovery housing?

[open text]

Q26) How often do individuals come to you from the following pathways?

[single option; response options: Very Often, Often, Rarely, Never, I don’t know]

  • Alcohol and Drug Partnerships
  • Armed forces
  • Drug and alcohol agencies or services
  • Hospital
  • Housing First
  • Housing Organisations
  • Local Authorities
  • Mental health services
  • Police
  • Primary care
  • Prisons
  • Probation Service
  • Residential rehabilitation
  • Self-referrals
  • Youth services
  • Other (please specify)

Q27) Please list the names of organisations who referred individuals to your facility during the financial year 2022/23. For each, please provide if know their location, whether you have established links with them and the number of referrals you have received from them.

[open text]

Q28) How do people self-referring typically access/find your facility?

[open text]

Q29) How do you make yourself known to potential referrers and the wider public?

[multiple choice]

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Other social media
  • Website
  • Paper-based (e.g. leaflets and posters)
  • In-person events
  • Other (please specify)
  • Not applicable (please specify)

Q30) Is there currently a waiting list for your facility?

[single option]

  • Yes
  • No

Q30a) How does the waiting list operate? Please provide details, for example assessing priority or first-come.

[open text]

Q30b) What is the average waiting time (days/ weeks/ months)?

[open text]

Q30c) How often do people drop out while on the waiting list?

[single option]

  • Very often
  • Often
  • Rarely
  • Never
  • No waiting list

Q30d) If applicable, please outline the most frequent reasons for people dropping out whilst on the waiting list.

[open text]

Q31) Please describe your funding model and where the funding comes from (e.g. self-funded, funded by the Alcohol and Drug Partnership, residential rehab providers, charities etc.)

[open text]

4. Resident Life

Q32) On average, how long do residents stay in your facility?

[open text]

Q33) What is the maximum length of time residents stay in your facility? State if there is no limit on duration.

[open text]

Q34) Please describe how residents move toward independent living (e.g. Moving to less structured housing etc.).

[open text]

Q35) Which, if any, of the following harm reduction interventions do you offer (on-site, off-site) or facilitate access to? (select all that apply)

[multiple choice; response options: on-site, off-site, facilitate access to, do not offer]

  • Blood-borne viruses screening
  • Naloxone
  • Overdose prevention
  • Other (please specify)

Q36) What, if any, treatment programmes or services do you offer or facilitate access to? Please specify where these take place, who this is provided by and for which residents. Please also state if no treatment programmes take place.

[open text]

Q37a) Which, if any, of the following activities/services do you offer (on-site, off-site) or facilitate access to? (select all that apply)

[multiple choice; response options: on-site, off-site, facilitate access to, neither]

  • Education
  • Employability support
  • Exercise classes
  • House meetings
  • Life skills training
  • Mutual aid
  • One-to-one support
  • Peer/mutual support groups
  • Training/apprenticeships
  • Other (please specify)

Q37b) Please provide further detail on these activities and their frequency.

[open text]

Q38) Does your facility follow a specific model (e.g. 12 Step Model/based on Therapeutic

Community principles/faith-based approaches)? Please provide details.

[open text]

Q39) Please provide details of any accreditations you have and of any regulatory framework you operate within (e.g. NHS, Care Inspectorate, etc.).

[open text]

Q40) Please describe the living/bedroom arrangements at your facility/facilities (e.g. shared or private bedrooms, house or stand-alone private flats, etc.).

[open text]

Q41) Please describe the governance of your facility (e.g. ran by residents, ran by staff, ran in combination)

[open text]

Q42) Please describe the role of peer support in your facility.

[open text]

Q43) How are resident meals organised in your facility? Please provide details (e.g. are food/meals provided? Or are residents responsible for buying food and cooking meals?)

[open text]

Q44) Are residents in your facility required to undertake full-time work / studying / training / or volunteering? Alternatively, is full-time work discouraged? Please provide details.

[open text]

Q45) Do you expect your residents to contribute to living costs (e.g. groceries, bills, internet, rent, etc)?

Q46) What core rules and expectations, if any, are outlined to residents (e.g. curfews, overnight guests, household chores)?

[open text]

Q47a) Are current residents able to set or amend house rules?

[single option]

  • Yes
  • No

Q47b) Please provide details on your answer.

[open text]

Q48a) Do you require your residents to abstain from drug and/or alcohol use?

[single option]

  • Yes [go to Q48b]
  • No [go to Q49]

Q48b) If you require abstinence from drugs or alcohol, do you monitor this (e.g., drug test)?

[single option]

  • Yes [go to Q48c]
  • No [go to Q49]

Q48c) Please provide detail on frequency and procedure for monitoring abstinence.

[open text]

Q49) What policy do you have in place in the event that one of your residents uses substances or relapses in treatment?

[open text]

Q50) Can residents be evicted? If yes, please provide detail on the grounds for eviction (e.g. breaking house rules) and the process involved (e.g. involving a house vote).

[open text]

5. Resident Outcomes

Q51) How does your facility measure different types of recovery outcomes? (Please give details of any specific tools you may use)

[open text]

Q52) Is there an aftercare plan for people leaving your facility?

[single option]

  • Yes
  • No

Q53) Please describe whether and for how long you follow-up with individuals after they have left your facility (including details of the aftercare plan where appropriate).

[open text]

Q54) Please describe the range of accommodation residents typically move to immediately after their stay in your facility.

[open text]

Q55) How often do your residents go to residential rehabilitation after or during their planned stay?

[open text]

Q56) How often do residents chose to move to another form of recovery housing during or after their stay with you?

[open text]

6. Final comments

Q57) Do you have any recommendations for improving recovery housing?

[open text]

Q58) Are there any other comments you would like to make which you feel are relevant?

[open text]

Q59) We are trying to obtain as comprehensive a list as possible of recovery housing across Scotland. Are you aware of any other recovery housing facilities in Scotland or elsewhere in the UK that accept Scottish residents? If so, please forward the link to this survey to them. Alternatively you can provide us with their name and, if known, their address, website or contact details.

[open text]

Q60) Can we contact you about future research?

[single choice]

  • Yes
  • No

[Thanks and End of Survey]



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