
Recovery of possession of adapted properties: guidance for social landlords

Guidance for social landlords on using the provisions introduced in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 to recover possession of a property which has been designed or adapted for special needs.


The Scottish Government would like to thank the stakeholder panel who helped us draft the guidance, and in particular the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers, the Chartered Institute of Housing (Scotland), Glasgow West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations, Homeless Action Scotland, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Shelter Scotland, and the Registered Tenant Organisation Regional Networks.

We also thank all the individuals and organisations from across the social housing sector who contributed their time and expertise during the development of this guidance and those who attended the 16 'Housing Act Guidance Consultation Events' that were held around the country and hosted by the Tenants Information Service and the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (Scotland) on our behalf.



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