
Red Rocks and Longay Marine Protected Area: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) which looks at the social and economic impacts of the designation of the Red Rocks and Longay Marine Protected Area (MPA).

Competition Filter Questions

Q. Will the proposal directly limit the number or range of suppliers? E.g. will it award exclusive rights to a supplier or create closed procurement or licensing programmes?

No. It is unlikely that the introduction of fisheries management measures will directly limit the number or range of suppliers.

Q. Will the proposal indirectly limit the number or range of suppliers? E.g. will it raise costs to smaller entrants relative to larger existing suppliers?

Limited / No Impact. The introduction of fisheries management measures could affect the spatial location of commercial fisheries activity and may restrict the output capacity of this sector. However, restrictions on fishing locations may well be negated by displacement i.e. vessels fishing elsewhere. It is not expected that the distribution of additional costs will be skewed towards smaller entrants relative to larger existing suppliers.

Q. Will the proposal limit the ability of suppliers to compete? E.g. will it reduce the channels suppliers can use or geographic area they can operate in?

No. The introduction of fisheries management measures will not directly affect firms' route to market or the geographical markets they can sell into.

Q. Will the proposal reduce suppliers' incentives to compete vigorously? E.g. will it encourage or enable the exchange of information on prices, costs, sales or outputs between suppliers?

No. The introduction of fisheries management measures is not expected to reduce suppliers' incentives to compete vigorously.



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