Redeployment: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy sets a minimum standard and provides a model, which can be adapted at local level, to ensure a fair and consistent approach to the process of exploring suitable alternative employment.

1 Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy on redeployment is to set out minimum standards and provide a model which can be adapted and enhanced at a local level, to create policies which ensure a fair and consistent approach to the process of exploring suitable alternative employment (i.e. redeployment) for all employees who are identified as being 'displaced'. Local policies must be developed and agreed by the appropriate partnership forum; must meet or exceed the provisions contained within this PIN policy; and, must be jointly reviewed on a regular basis.

1.2 This PIN policy defines 'redeployment' as the process of securing suitable alternative employment for an employee, who it is identified will be displaced at a stated future date from their post, as a result of organisational change, or following application of formal processes relating to capability (whether due to ill-health or performance), or, in advance of the non-renewal of a fixed term contract upon expiry. It is, however, recognised that there may be other circumstances where Boards determine that redeployment may be appropriate. 'Displaced' means that there is no longer a need for a post; or that the particular skills or experience of a post-holder are no longer required; or, that the employee is unable to undertake the duties of the post.

1.3 This PIN policy will apply to all affected employees from the point at which it is identified that they will be 'displaced', although the process by which employees access redeployment may vary, and individual employee entitlements within this may differ, depending on the grounds upon which they have been displaced. For ease of reference, however, this PIN policy will refer to 'displaced employees'.

1.4 The PIN is also designed to clarify the rights and responsibilities of Boards, managers, employees and trade unions/professional organisations in respect of displaced employees to whom resulting local policies apply.


Email: Anna Gilbert

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