
Redesign of urgent care: equality impact assessment

Impact assessment (EQIA) for the redesign of urgent care to ensure patient safety during the winter period while the NHS continued to respond to the pandemic.

Equality Impact Assessment Record

Title of policy/ practice/ strategy/ legislation - Redesign of Urgent Care

Lead official:

Helen Maitland- National Director for Unscheduled Care

Carol Goodman- Programme Director for the Redesign of Urgent Care

Officials involved in the EQIA:

Jessica Milne, Unscheduled Care Policy Team Leader, Scottish Government

Danielle Brooks, Unscheduled Care Policy Officer, Scottish Government

Fiona MacDonald, Principle Research Officer, Scottish Government

David Morrison, Participation and Equalities Manager, NHS 24

Directorate: Division: Team - Performance & Delivery; Unscheduled Care

Is this new policy or revision to an existing policy? - Revision of existing policy



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