
Redress For Survivors (Historical Child Abuse In Care) (Scotland) Act 2021 - assessment framework: statutory guidance - updated August 2024

Statutory guidance for Scotland's Redress Scheme. The assessment framework will be used by Redress Scotland to assist in making determinations on redress payment levels for individually assessed applications.

Scotland’s Redress Scheme

5. The purpose of redress in this scheme is to provide tangible recognition of the harm caused by abuse and to acknowledge that it should not have happened.

6. All abuse is wrong and every experience is individual. Different types of abuse frequently happen at the same time, for example emotional abuse occurring alongside neglect, sexual abuse or physical abuse. The Framework acknowledges this complexity and the need for a holistic approach in considering the experience of everyone who makes an application to the scheme.

7. It is recognised that all abuse has lasting impact. The focus of Redress Scotland will be on the nature, severity, frequency and duration of the abuse itself, as well as other matters it considers relevant when assessing an individual application.

8. All applicants for an individually assessed payment will need to complete an application form (Part 1 and Part 3). Applicants will also need to provide a statement and supporting information or evidence to support their account of abuse in care. Further information on the evidence requirements can be found in the relevant guidance.

9. When Redress Scotland is satisfied that an applicant is eligible for a redress payment, they must decide whether a further payment, in addition to the £10,000 fixed rate payment, is appropriate. There are five levels of further payment available, leading to potential total redress payments of £20,000, £40,000, £60,000, £80,000 or £100,000. All redress payments are subject to deductions of previous payments under section 42 of the Act. All applicants are encouraged to read applicant guidance ‘Help to apply’ for further detail on previous payments.

10. A fixed rate payment of £10,000 is available for applicants who prefer not to provide a detailed statement of their abuse, or if Redress Scotland assess that their individually assessed application does not meet the requirements for a Level 1 payment.



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