
Redress For Survivors (Historical Child Abuse In Care) (Scotland) Act 2021: statutory guidance – evidential requirements and determinations by Redress Scotland - Updated August 2024

Statutory guidance for Scotland's Redress Scheme. This guidance provides further information on the evidential requirements for the scheme.


1 More information can be found on the ICO website guidance: Why organisations might partially or fully refuse a subject access request

2 Further information on the eligibility criteria of the redress scheme, including the definition of a relevant care setting, can be found in the eligibility guidance

3 The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Exceptions to Eligibility) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 (

4 Who exercise or have exercised functions in relation to safeguarding or promoting the welfare of children or protecting or furthering their interests as described in section 14 of the Act

5 In the case of local authorities, that includes the arrangement of foster care or boarded-out placements.



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