Redress For Survivors (Historical Child Abuse In Care) (Scotland) Act 2021 - waiver, contributions and other routes to redress: statutory guidance – updated August 2024

Statutory guidance for Scotland's Redress Scheme. This guidance provides further information on the waiver, the contributions element of the scheme and other routes to redress which applicants may want to consider.

Status of this Guidance

1. This guidance is issued under section 106 of the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Act 2021 ("the Act").

2. This guidance applies to all those with an interest in connection with the making, or consideration of an application for redress. This includes Redress Scotland, survivor applicants to the redress scheme, nominated beneficiaries, applicants for next of kin payments (“next of kin applicant”) and their legal representatives. All persons to whom this guidance applies must have regard to it.

3. This guidance covers:

  • What it means to accept an offer of redress and sign the waiver;
  • What happens when an applicant's waiver is revoked in respect of one or more organisations;
  • The importance of legal advice and signposting the support available under the Scheme to cover the costs of legal advice;
  • Other routes to redress and justice which potential applicants and their legal representatives may wish to consider prior to accepting an offer of redress; and
  • Things an applicant may want to take in to account when considering abandoning (not continuing) ongoing civil proceedings to apply to the redress scheme



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