
Redress For Survivors (Historical Child Abuse In Care) (Scotland) Act 2021 - waiver, contributions and other routes to redress: statutory guidance – updated August 2024

Statutory guidance for Scotland's Redress Scheme. This guidance provides further information on the waiver, the contributions element of the scheme and other routes to redress which applicants may want to consider.

Review of an offer of a redress payment

15. An offer of a redress payment is valid for a period of 6 months beginning on the date on which it is received by an applicant. During that time, the applicant is strongly encouraged to seek legal advice if they have not already done so on whether or not to accept the offer and sign the waiver. This period can be extended if Redress Scotland is satisfied there is good reason why an applicant needs more time to consider an offer, for example where an applicant became unwell and was unable to consider the offer within the 6 month period or contact a case worker to confirm their acceptance of the offer.

16. It is also open to the applicant, before accepting the offer, to request that Redress Scotland carry out a review of the determination and any payment offer. The applicant has up to 8 weeks from receiving the determination to submit a request for review. Again, applicants are strongly encouraged to seek legal advice about this. If an offer or a revised offer of a redress payment is made on a review, the applicant will have 6 months beginning with the date on which they received that offer or revised offer to accept or refuse it.

17. More information about rights of review can be found in the reviews guidance.



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