Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund (CPAF) round 1: reflections and lessons
This report provides learnings and reflections from the evaluation support offered during round one of the Child Poverty Practice Accelerator Fund (CPAF).
Annex 1: Summaries of projects funded by CPAF Round 1
Location - Aberdeen
Project title
Data driven identification of households experiencing child poverty to inform and direct intervention and support
Grant holder
Aberdeen City Council
Delivery Partners
Aberdeen Health Determinants Research Collaboration Commissioned partner to support creation of a data model.
Project Summary
The project is working to creating an integrated data model from multiple data sources including local authority, NHS and DWP. The aim is to identify levels of financial exclusion and risk at individual and household level. This is to inform interventions on access to support services.
Location - Argyll and Bute
Project title
Evaluating the usefulness of third-party datasets for identifying communities in need of financial support
Grant holder
Argyll & Bute City Council
Delivery Partners
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership
Project Summary
This project is accessing additional datasets from CACI and overlaying these with existing council and other public sector information. The aim is to identify pockets of unmet need and inform actions of council's welfare rights officers and targeting of existing resources.
Location - Edinburgh
Project title
Income Maximisation Outreach
Grant holder
Edinburgh City Council
Delivery Partners
NHS Lothian Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership Capital City Partnership
Project Summary
The project is piloting an expansion of an existing programme, Discover, which provides holistic support including income maximisation. The aim is to provide outreach and activities for priority families, especially families with a disability, minority ethnic families, and families in temporary accommodation.
Location - Inverclyde
Project title
Parent Centred Early and Intensive Intervention – supporting parents with children and babies under 5 years
Grant holder
Inverclyde Council
Delivery Partners
Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership Home Start Inverclyde
Project Summary
The project is completing a test of change. The aim is to apply an established whole systems approach to tackling child poverty to a third sector early intervention service. This service will offer parenting support, financial wellbeing, advocacy and other relevant support by bringing together communities, third sector and public sector services. The project targets families with children under five and with poor mental health. The service will be co-designed with parents.
Location - Midlothian
Project title
Midlothian Peer Research – A Case for Change through a Place Based Approach Building Skills and Influencing
Grant holder
Midlothian Council
Delivery Partners
Midlothian Community Planning Partnership Midlothian Sure Start
Project Summary
The project is working to train between 10-15 priority family parents in community research using an ethnographic approach. The aim is for these parents to act as community researchers, who will then each engage with another five to ten priority families. The project will then support the researchers in the co-design of services for local communities.
Location - Moray
Project title
Improved identification of families affected by disability and delivery of support to maximise income
Grant holder
Moray Council -Child Poverty Strategic Group
Delivery Partners
Child Poverty Strategic Group
Project Summary
The project is working to improve the identification of families with a disability in poverty through data collected by support services. The aim is to better understand the impact of poverty on families with disability and their experience of income maximisation support through journey mapping with families. The project is also working with families and income maximisation providers to test improvements to the system of support.
Location - North Ayrshire
Project title
North Ayrshire Single Shared Assessment (NASSA)
Grant holder
North Ayrshire Council
Delivery Partners
NHS Ayrshire & Arran North Ayrshire’s Third Sector Interface (TSI), The Ayrshire Community Trust (TACT) (support)
Project Summary
The project is scoping the data landscape to design and implement a single shared assessment (in line with No Wrong Door) and work on data reuse permissions with the Scottish Government and Improvement Service. The aim is to enhance the use of data to better target support.
Location - Perth and Kinross
Project title
Beyond Emergency Support to Sustainable Livelihoods – Capacity Building Programme for Local Communities
Grant holder
Perth and Kinross Council
Delivery Partners
NHS Tayside
Project Summary
The project is working to increase the capacity of professionals in order to engage priority families that require emergency or crisis support. The project is providing training focused on improving knowledge of appropriate support, knowing where to refer, social needs domains and on the use of the triage and referral management system.
Location - South Lanarkshire
Project title
‘Paths out of Poverty' - empowering parent/carers of disabled children through innovative, holistic, strengths-based approach
Grant holder
South Lanarkshire Council
Delivery Partners
NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) Community Volunteers Enabling You (COVEY)
Project Summary
The project is working with families of children with a disability to test a holistic, person-centred model of support. The aim is to improve awareness of and confidence in engaging the support available to families. The project is engaging families through one-to-one key worker relationships and service design and delivery are being shaped by those with lived experience.
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