
Regional economic policy review: paper 2 – the regional perspective

In this review the Regional Economic Policy Advisory Group examine why, and in which policy areas, economic development works well on a regional scale, assessing how its delivery can contribute to the aims of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

1. Introduction

1.1.1 This is the second of four papers that combined make up the Regional Policy Review. The review will evidence why, and in what policy areas, economic development works well on a regional scale. This paper will look at regional economies and how they address the nuances of their economic landscape.

1.1.2 Covering the City and Regional Growth Deals Programme and Regional Economic Partnerships as the main structures through which regional economic development is delivered in Scotland, we look at the capabilities of regions to identify and address regional inequalities (both within and between regions) and build on regional strengths, building a narrative around regional empowerment.

1.1.3 REPAG is aware of other bodies that take forward wider regional work. We have chosen to focus on the City Region and Growth Deal Programme and Regional Economic Partnerships (REPs) as they represent core regional economic development activity of the Scottish Government and related agencies, notwithstanding the policy areas with regional leanings outlined in Paper One.

1.1.4 This paper focuses on regional approaches to achieving economic development within nuanced economic landscapes. It is not the intention to detract from smaller, localised approaches to economic development, nor imply that regional ought to be the default scale for delivery. We recognise the immense value that comes from other regional delivery bodies such as the Enterprise Agencies and the bodies that take forward a local approach, mainly local authorities, and the Scottish and UK Governments which implement national approaches.

1.1.5 Here we build on Paper One, where we noted the different relevant boundaries, the various public bodies involved in regional economic development, and surfaced some ways in which greater horizontal accountability and more meaningful place-based cross-policy working could strengthen regional economic development.

1.1.6 Collectively, they show multifaceted ways that Scottish Government can look to collaborate with their regional partners to support regional economic development further.



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