
Regional economic policy review: paper 2 – the regional perspective

In this review the Regional Economic Policy Advisory Group examine why, and in which policy areas, economic development works well on a regional scale, assessing how its delivery can contribute to the aims of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.


1. HMT Green Book

2. Regions with a Regional Economic Strategy (or equivalent agreed strategic framework) are as follows: Glasgow; ESES; North East; South of Scotland; Tay Cities, with the others planned or in development

3. It has established a track record of identifying transformational opportunities and developing these into funded projects which move into delivery at an accelerated pace. In this sense, the public/private relationship here speaks to the recommendations made within the Advisory Group for Economic Recovery Report relating to partnership working with business. Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

4. More detail on the projects can be found in the Aberdeen City Region Deal Annual Report

5. The project has received match funding from UK Government as part of the 2021 Budget, with ONE making an additional contribution.

6. Aberdeen Regional Economic Strategy

7. This fund is providing opportunities for up to 3,000 individuals in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire through training and enterprise projects across a number of sectors.


9. Aberdeen Economic Panel Report

10. North East Performs

11. Delivery geographies - GOV.UK (

12. Glasgow Intelligence Hub



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