Regional economic policy review: paper 3 - international perspective

In this review the Regional Economic Policy Advisory Group examine why, and in which policy areas, economic development works well on a regional scale, assessing how its delivery can contribute to the aims of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.


1 EoRPA is a research programme on the design and implementation of regional policy funded by government departments in Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK (including Scottish Government)

2 European Commission (2020a) Cohesion in Europe towards 2050: Eighth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union

3 European Commission (2022a) op. cit. p. xiii.

4 Ibid. p.xxi

5 Ibid. p.xxii.

6 Regions and Cities at a Glance 2020 ( Regions and Cities at a Glance 2020 (; How unequal are our regions? (

7 OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance 2020 | en | OECD; OECD Regional Well-Being (

8 OECD (2019) OECD Regional Outlook 2019: Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas

9 Tillväxtanalys (2018) Regional agglomeration of skills and earnings – from convergence to divergence? PM 2018:09

10 Iceland Territorial

11 Tillväxtverket (2018) Politik för utvecklingskraft i hela Sverige Utveckling, prioriteringar och resultat inom den regionala tillväxtpolitiken

12 Bradford N (2017) Canadian regional development policy: Flexible governance and adaptive implementation. EC-OECD Seminar Series on Designing better economic development policies for regions and cities.

13 OECD (2019) Regional Outlook Canada

14 Meld. St. 40 (2020-2021) Mål med mening— Norges handlingsplan for å nå bærekraftsmålene innen 2030.

15 Statens offentliga Utredningar (2019) Agenda 2030 och Sverige: Väldens utmaning – världens möglighet, SOU 2019: 3

16 Meld St. 30 (2019-2020) En innovativ offentlig sector – kultur, ledelse og kompetanse

17 Nationell strategi för hållbar regional utveckling i hela landet 2021-2030, 2020/21:133

18 Canada.pdf (

19 Laasonen et al. (2020) Kohti vaikuttavampaa verkostotyötä. Policy Brief 10/20

20 Bradford (2017) op. cit.

21 Nationell strategi för hållbar regional utveckling i hela landet 2021-2030, 2020/21:133, pp. 15

22 Tillväxtverket (2019) Hållbar utveckling i regionerna

23 Statskontoret (2021) Regional utveckling – regionernas erbjudan och länsstyrelsernas roll, 2021:11

24 Bradford (2017) op. cit.



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