
Regional marine planning: guidance

Guidance to support those delegated with preparing regional marine plans.

Guidance has been provided to support those delegated with preparing regional marine plans. 

The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 sets out the legislative requirements for Regional Marine Planning. This includes a section on delegate composition which is important to consider when establishing a Marine Planning Partnership. The delegate is named in a Ministerial Direction which grants regional marine planning functions to a Partnership. 

Legislative requirements include:

  • assessing the condition of the region
  • summarising the significant pressures and consequences of human activity
  • keeping under review the characteristics of the region: the purposes of its use, the communication, energy and transport systems, and the living resources it supports
  • setting economic, social, marine ecosystem and climate change objectives
  • stating the contribution of MPAs and other designated areas
  • stating policies for sustainable development of the region
  • developing a Statement of Public Participation and carrying out consultation

To help with the development of Regional Assessments please refer to the assessment produced by Marine Scotland when developing the National Marine Plan, the Marine Atlas and the initial principles for developing assessments to support regional marine plans.

The National Marine Plan can be found online and sets out guidance for regional planners.

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