
Atlantic salmon 2021: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 14 No 4

A summary report of the spatial extent and severity of pressures acting on Atlantic salmon in Scotland, with a view to informing management and policy at local and national scales.

Appendix 1. Summary of Pressure Themes, Individual Pressures, Short Names, Spatial Scales of Data Capture and Definitions used in this Report

Theme Pressure Name Short Name Scale of Data Capture Brief Description
Exploitation Illegal exploitation Illegal exploit Catchment Poaching or illegal killing of salmon from rivers classified as category 3 under the Scottish Government Conservation Regulations
Coastal netting Coastal net Catchment Impacts of coastal netting (now only historical)
In river & estuarine netting River net Catchment Legal net fisheries operating in rivers and estuaries. May include impacts of historical fisheries which have now been closed
Rod & line Angling Catchment Killing of salmon by rod and line fisheries
Predation Piscivorous birds Bird pred Catchment Impact of predation by piscivorous birds on salmon smolts
Piscivorous fish Fish pred Catchment Impact of predation by piscivorous fish on salmon smolts
Seal predation Seal pred Catchment Impact of seal predation on adult returns
Disease Disease Disease Catchment Effects of disease on adult spawner numbers and condition
Farmed escapees Farmed escapees Farm escapes Catchment Impact of genetic introgression or direct competition resulting from escaped farmed salmon
Marine development Marine development Marine development Catchment Impact of marine developments including harbour developments and marine renewables but not aquaculture which is addressed separately
Sea lice Sea lice Sea lice Catchment Impact of sea lice from aquaculture
Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) Crayfish Crayfish Reach Impact of invasive crayfish
Non-Native or Translocated Fish NN Fish Reach Impact of fish that have been introduced outside their native range
Habitat - Water Quality Acidification Acidification Reach Impact of acidification
Point-source pollution Point pollution Reach Impact of point-source pollution (e.g. septic tanks or licenced discharges)
Diffuse pollution & Eutrophication Diffuse pollution Reach Impact of diffuse pollution and eutrophication (incl. sedimentation, high nutrient concentrations, pesticides etc.)
Habitat - Water Quantity Abstraction & Flow Regulation Abstraction Reach Impacts resulting from a reduction in water quantity through abstraction and flow regulation (e.g. hydropower)
Extreme high flow events High flow Reach Impact of extreme high flow events
Habitat - Thermal Changing Temperature Patterns & Loss of Shading High Temperature Reach Impacts caused by an increase in water temperature due to loss of shading and / or climate change
Thermal discharge Thermal discharge Reach Impacts of discharging warm water by industry (e.g. whisky distilleries)
Thermal Modification due to Impoundment Thermal dams Reach Impacts of altered thermal regime caused by large impoundments
Habitat - Instream & Riparian Loss of sediment transfer Sediment dams Reach Impacts due to a loss in sediment transfer (e.g. sediment starvation below dams)
Instream Works Including Canalisation / Dredging / Boulder removal Instream engineering Reach Effects of instream engineering works
Loss of natural riparian vegetation Riparian veg loss Reach Effects of losing natural riparian vegetation; changes in habitat and resource provision
Conifer afforestation Commercial conifer Reach Effects of commercial conifer afforestation (e.g. impacts on in-stream productivity and food availability)
Obstacles to Fish Passage Downstream passage Barriers down Reach Effects of reduced downstream connectivity
Upstream passage Barriers up Reach Effects of reduced upstream connectivity



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