
About the Regional Networks: Information Leaflet

The Regional Networks enable tenants, residents and the Scottish Government to work collaboratively on issues of national policy. This information leaflet sets out information on the Regional Networks, how they work, and how you might be able to get involved.

Regional Networks bringing tenants, residents and the Scottish Government together

The Regional Networks are made up of Council and Housing Association tenant and resident groups and we work to influence the development of national housing policy, ensuring tenants and resident views are reflected in policy discussions. We work in partnership with the Scottish Government.

The Regional Network map highlights the four different regions that make up the network. These are the North of Scotland, South East of Scotland, South West of Scotland and Central Scotland.

There are 4 Regions, North of Scotland, South East of Scotland, South West Scotland and Central Scotland Regional Networks.

Our achievements include:

Developing effective engagement with the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) and meeting with SHR on a regular basis to discuss social housing regulation.

Challenging the Scottish Government to produce more robust guidance on the operation of Local Authority Housing Revenue Accounts (HRA) to ensure Council tenants' rent money and service users charges are used correctly.

Participating alongside professional organisations in Scottish Government working groups, including ZEST (The Zero Emission Social Housing Taskforce), Fire Safety Group, Rent and Affordability Focus group as well as continuing to meet with Scottish Ministers to ensure that tenants' and residents' interests are at the heart of the policy process as Housing to 2040 moves forward.

Sharing ideas and best practice to improve services and participation locally which helps the Scottish Government shape future policy direction.

Your involvement could make a huge difference to shaping national policy and improving the quality and services tenants and residents receive from social landlords.

As a Regional Network committee member you will be involved in discussions and reaching decisions on policy issues, studying information, asking questions, challenging perceptions and coming to a consensus as a group.

You will also be expected to promote the work of the Regional Networks and alongside regular committee meetings; you may represent your committee at events and meetings and be responsible for reporting back to your committee, RTOs and Scrutiny Groups within your region. Depending on your interests and skills you will also have the opportunity to represent the networks on Scottish Government Advisory Groups and will be able to take the lead on issues where you have a specific interest, skills and experience.

Regional Network committee members also have the opportunity
to meet Scottish Government Ministers as part of the Scottish Government's on-going commitment to meet with the Networks and hear directly from tenants and residents about issues important to them.

How can you get involved?

If you are interested in becoming a member please visit our website on or contact a member of the Tenant Priorities team on and we can put you in touch with a Regional Network member from your area.

Regional Networks Email address:




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