
Regulatory Review Group minutes: February 2017

Agenda and minutes of the Regulatory Review Group (RRG) on 8 February 2017, chaired by Professor Russel Griggs OBE.

Attendees and apologies

In attendance
Professor Russel Griggs OBE (Chairman), Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Susan Love, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)
Gregor Scotland, CBI
Ewan MacDonald-Russell, Scottish Retail Consortium (SRC)
Laura McGlynn, Scottish Government
Wendy McCutcheon, Scottish Government

Scott Walker, National Farmers Union Scotland (NFUS)
Mari Tunby, CBI
Steven Bunch, Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), UK Government
Alice Telfer, Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland (ICAS)
Garry Clark, Scottish Chambers of Commerce
Sheila Scobie, Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), UK Government
Ian Cass, Forum of Private Business (FPB)
Robert Nicol, Convention of Scottishy Local Authorities (COSLA)
Stephen Boyd, Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)
Sarah Smith, Regulatory Delivery, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK Government
David Skilling, Scotland Office

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Agenda item 1: minutes of previous meeting

2. The minutes were approved and an update on action points provided. It was noted that Stephen Boyd who had represented STUC at RRG meetings has now left STUC. The Chair recorded his thanks to Stephen and his valuable input. Secretariat to write to Stephen acknowledging his contribution to RRG and also to STUC requesting a representative.

Action points:

  • Secretariat to write to Stephen Boyd.
  • Secretariat to write to STUC.

Agenda item 2: Chairman’s report

3. The Chair provided an oral update on recent meetings listed in the tabled paper.

4. The Agricultural Summit on 11 January was well attended and raised a number of interesting issues including the need for local housing for retired shepherds. This discussion then led to the announcement by the Chair that he has been tasked with setting up a greening group. This group, representing farming and environmental interests, has a remit to review the Scottish Government’s approach to greening and recommend how the available policy and support mechanisms can be used most effectively to promote profitable farming while meeting environmental commitments.

5. RRG members noted the consultation on the practical fire safety guidance for existing non-residential premises. Members discussed this consultation and the recommendations that had been made in the RRG review of Part 3 of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2015. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to receive an update on the status of these recommendations.

6. Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has launched a consultation on its draft regulatory strategy. Members were broadly content with the proposals although there are potentially a few areas of concern. Members will read in more detail and advise if RRG should respond. It was agreed that FSS should be invited to a future RRG meeting if required.

Action points:

  • Secretariat to obtain update on recommendations in Fire Report.
  • Members to advise if RRG should respond to FSS consultation.
  • Secretariat to note that FSS should be invited to future meeting.

Agenda item 3: SELECT: regulation of electricians

7. Secretariat had tabled this paper as representatives from SELECT, the trade association for the electrical industry in Scotland, have been meeting with various officials within the government to drive forward their aim of regulation of the electrician profession. At the last meeting with government officials, SELECT was tasked with providing an evidence based report to support the need for the regulation of this trade. This report has now been received and advice was sought from RRG on whether there was an issue that should be investigated.

8. The Scottish Parliament does not have the legislative competence in this area and the government therefore has limited action that it can undertake.

9. Based on the content of the report which is focused on the domestic sector, RRG suggested that SELECT may wish to speak with local authorities and trading standards about the buy with confidence schemes, such as trusted traders, which exist to protect vulnerable consumers.

10. RRG members would also be interested to ascertain what percentage of Scotland’s electrical companies and electricians are SELECT members.

Action points:

  • Secretariat to liaise with SELECT officials.

Agenda item 4: RRG annual report

11. The draft RRG annual report had been circulated to members. Comments on the draft and suggestions for items to be included to be provided to secretariat. Chair may add information on the deposit return scheme and Ewan MacDonald-Russell will provide information to Chair [secretariat to provide Ewan with information that RRG has already].

Action points:

  • All members to consider and provide comments on RRG annual report.
  • Ewan MacDonald-Russel to provide information to Chair.

Agenda item 5: any other business (AOB)

12. There were two items under AOB:

  • Parliamentary Reform Commission – Susan Love mentioned that the Scottish Parliament was consulting on how it conducts its business. As RRG has views on this which have been expressed before it was felt it would be beneficial that we should respond. Secretariat will draft a response and circulate round members.
  • Chair had received notification of a Consultation on Long Term Management of the Crown Estate in Scotland. He will read this through and advise whether RRG should respond. Secretariat to find out who will become Minister for the Crown Estate.

Action points:

  • Secretariat to draft response to Parliamentary Reform Commission consultation.
  • Chair to advise whether to respond to Crown Estate consultation.
  • Secretariat to advise who will become Minister for the Crown Estate.

13. Date of next meeting, Wednesday 22 March 2017 from 10am–noon.

RRG Secretariat
February 2017

RRG Meeting - 8 February 2017 - Agenda.pdf
RRG Meeting - 8 February 2017 - Minutes.pdf



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