
Rehabilitation framework self-assessment tool: analysis of responses

Findings from a self-assessment survey as part of the implementation of the framework for supporting people through recovery and rehabilitation during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, completed by rehabilitation services across health and social care in spring 2021.

Annex 1:Information about teams responding to the survey

Area of rehabilitation covered

Respondents to the survey were asked which area of rehabilitation their service covered. The question provided a list of 22 options, ranging from 'cardiac rehab' to 'vocational rehab', and respondents were asked to select one of the options, or to select 'other', and then to provide further details.

The most common response to this question was 'other' selected by 20% of respondents.

Table A1.1: Which area of rehabilitation do you mainly cover?
Area of rehabilitation Number Percent
Community rehab 49 18%
Older people's rehab 27 10%
Musculoskeletal rehab 20 7%
Neuro rehab 18 6%
Specialist rehab 14 5%
Mental health – adult 13 5%
Stroke rehab 13 5%
Cardiac rehab 13 5%
Reablement / intermediate care 10 4%
Mental health – older adult 8 3%
Orthopaedics 7 3%
Pulmonary rehab 7 3%
Front door – acute 5 2%
Critical care 4 1%
Surgical 3 1%
Learning disability – adult 3 1%
Prisons 2 1%
Palliative care 2 1%
Falls 2 1%
Leisure trusts 2 1%
Vocational rehab 1 0%
Prehabilitation 1 0%
Other 56 20%
Total 280 100%

Respondents who ticked 'other' often stated that they provided more than one type of rehabilitation service. Respondents also ticked 'other' if they were delivering what they described as a 'general' or 'generalist' rehabilitation service. Examples of the latter included 'a small generalist team in a rural environment providing all types of rehab within inpatient, community and outpatient settings'; a 'general medical service for adults who experience psychological distress caused and maintained by their health condition'; and 'a generalist team in an island community that covers community, falls, older adults, palliative, prehab, reablement, stroke and neuro'.

Some respondents who selected 'other' in response to this question also said that they provided some form of specialist service. Examples included rehabilitation relating to oncology, cystic fibrosis, lymphoedema, major trauma and rheumatology, among others. Hand therapy and hydrotherapy were also included.

Main service user group

Respondents were asked to say who their service was mainly delivered to: (i) inpatients, (ii) community patients / clients, (iii) outpatients, or (iv) primary care patients.

The largest proportion of respondents (40%) said that they delivered rehabilitation to patients in the community. Just over a quarter (27%) said their service was delivered to inpatients.

Table A1.2: Is this service mainly delivered to…?
Service user group Number Percent
Community 112 40%
Inpatients 75 27%
Outpatients 52 19%
Primary care 7 3%
Total 280 100%

Rehabilitation professionals included in the responses

Respondents were provided with a list of 16 rehabilitation professionals and were asked to tick all those involved in their response. If a member of their team was not included in the list, the respondent could tick 'other' and provide further details.

The two rehabilitation professionals involved most often in responding teams were physiotherapists (69% of respondents said their team had one or more physiotherapists) and occupational therapists (55% said their team had one or more OTs).

Respondents also reported a wide range of 'other' professionals involved in their teams including managers; social workers; fitness instructors; pharmacists; counsellors; third sector staff; and equipment service staff.

Table A1.3: Relevant professionals involved in the responses
Type of rehabilitation professional Number of teams including each professional Percentage of teams including each professional (out of total 280)
Physiotherapists 193 69%
Occupational therapists (OTs) 153 55%
Healthcare support workers 104 37%
Nurses 82 29%
Speech and language therapists 50 18%
Dieticians 41 15%
Doctors 38 14%
Psychologists 33 12%
Prosthetics and orthotists 18 6%
Podiatrists 17 6%
Radiographers 7 3%
Paramedics 4 1%
Art therapists 2 1%
Orthoptists 2 1%
Music therapists 1 0%
Drama therapists 0 0%
Other 30 11%

*Respondents were invited to tick multiple professionals where appropriate – it is therefore not relevant to show totals for number or percentage columns.

* Other rehabilitation professionals also include managers; social workers; pharmacists; counsellors; third sector staff; equipment service staff; administrative staff; etc.

Geographical location of responses

Respondents were asked to say where in Scotland their service was delivered. A list of NHS boards and HSCPs was provided, and respondents were asked to select one.

Most respondents, 234 out 280, (84%) reported being based in NHS services, while 46 (16%) said they were based in an HSCP.

A1.4: In which part of Scotland do you deliver your service?
  Number of respondents from NHS boards Number of respondents from HSCPs Total number of respondents Percentage of respondents
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 16 16 6%
HSCP East Ayrshire 2 2 1%
HSCP North Ayrshire 1 1 <1%
NHS Borders 2 2 1%
NHS Dumfries and Galloway 16 16 6%
HSCP Dumfries and Galloway 3 3 1%
NHS Fife 23 23 8%
HSCP Fife 2 2 1%
NHS Forth Valley 18 18 6%
HSCP Falkirk 2 2 1%
NHS Golden Jubilee 4 4 1%
NHS Grampian 24 24 9%
HSCP Aberdeen City 2 2 1%
HSCP Moray 1 1 <1%
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 35 35 13%
HSCP Argyll and Bute 4 4 1%
HSCP East Dunbartonshire 1 1 <1%
HSCP East Renfrewshire 2 2 1%
HSCP Inverclyde 1 1 <1%
HSCP West Dunbartonshire 4 4 1%
NHS Highland 20 20 7%
NHS Lanarkshire 6 6 2%
HSCP North Lanarkshire 1 1 0%
HSCP South Lanarkshire 2 2 1%
NHS Lothian 40 40 14%
HSCP East Lothian 2 2 1%
HSCP Edinburgh City 4 4 1%
HSCP Midlothian 1 1 <1%
HSCP West Lothian 1 1 <1%
NHS Orkney 4 4 1%
HSCP Orkney 1 1 <1%
NHS Shetland 3 3 1%
HSCP Shetland 1 1 <1%
NHS Tayside 20 20 7%
HSCP Dundee City 3 3 1%
HSCP Perth and Kinross 4 4 1%
NHS Western Isles 3 3 1%
HSCP Western Isles 1 1 <1%
Total 234 46 280 100%



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