Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC): Housing Stakeholder minutes – February 2024

Minutes from the meeting held on 13 February 2024.

Attendees and apologies

The Scottish Government

  • Housing Standards and Quality (Chair)
  • Building Standards Division 
  • RAAC Coordination Team
  • Property Team

External stakeholders

  • Built Environment Forum Scotland
  • Scottish Property Federation
  • Trust Housing Association
  • North Lanarkshire Council
  • Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
  •  Scottish Heads of Property 
  • Scottish Housing Regulator
  • Aberdeen City Council
  • Under One Roof

Items and actions

Update on action points

Action point 1.2

The importance of this action point was reiterated to the group.

Action point 1.4 

It was established by Homes for Scotland that at present there does not appear to be any RAAC in private housing.

Action point 1.5 

The Scottish Government have conducted a session with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and agreed to coordinate with ALACHO around any needs they have on this matter.  

Updates from across the housing sector

Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR)

  • the SHR has now received responses from landlord regarding the identification of RAAC at their properties 
  • there are 101 landlords who had identified no RAAC. 11 identified RAAC and 53 are currently investigating 
  • to date, there are 986 properties that have responded 
  • there are 27,000 properties potentially under investigation for RAAC which means the responses received each month can vary 
  • different property types are being tested which could see a rise in the number of properties with RAAC discovery
  • next phase discussions are underway. The SHR are looking at the regulatory focus and deciding on a strategy 
  • the primary focus of the Regulator is around Tenant resident safety 

Landlords who have identified RAAC

  • an update was provided by a Housing Association who has identified the presence of RAAC in their housing stock 
  • all tenants affected have been visited by a Housing Officer and there are no immediate requirements for tenants to relocate. The presence of pitched roofs appears to have mitigated against some of the problems 
  • two surveyors have been approached to undertake work and representatives from Almond are engaging with their local authority 
  • they are attempting to be consistent and proportionate in their approach, ensuring to follow the Institute of Engineers Guidance
  • no substantial concerns from tenants regarding the news of RAAC have yet been raised. They have ensured tenants are informed by sending letters and hosting open sessions to provide clarity for those who need it 

Other organisations

  • an update was given on behalf of a local authority, who have also identified RAAC in their housing stock
  • there are not many mixed tenure properties that have RAAC related issues – 14 cases have been identified and the council are considering a small number of relocations in 4 blocks of flats 
  • remedial costs to remove RAAC are being assessed. This assessment will take into consideration future potential lifespan of properties 
  • the majority of RAAC found so far is in communal areas and not directly impacting people’s homes 
  • legal advice is clear that home owners would be fully liable for any costs
  • there are still 139 properties in total to be investigated 

Communications – collating and sharing best practice

  • a RAAC FAQ’s document is currently underway 
  • it was agreed that organisations who had communicated with those affected by RAAC would share their communications by way of best practice 
  • a question was raised in regards to funding from the Scottish Government to assist owner-occupiers. SG officials were clear that there is no additional money available at the present time 
  • it was suggested that each organisation should take its own view on the approach to RAAC

Future meetings

Members of the group were encouraged to share views on how the group should move forward in terms of frequency, inviting new attendees and what topics should be discussed. The following suggestions for future agenda points were made:

  • sharing of best practice on how a monitoring regime could be facilitated and enacted in a housing setting 
  • the Terms of Reference for the group to be reviewed and membership to be expanded to West Lothian Council 
  • further discussion on the IStructE guidance in the context of housing 

Any other business and date of next meeting

There was no other business to be discussed. The next meeting will be arranged for five to six weeks’ time and invites will be sent out. 

Action Log 

Action point 2.1

Local authority landlords to share examples of information already sent to occupants in order to share with other landlords as best practice.    

Action point 2.2

Consider the longer-term relevance of the social housing RAAC database, ensuring suitability for future use.

Action point 2.3

Encourage landlords to keep their asset information up to date.

Action point 2.4

Continue to engage with Homes for Scotland for information and evidence on RAAC in private housing

Action point 2.5

Convene group of affected landlords to share information and experience with  other social landlords. 

Action point 2.6

Local Authorities to email any useful resources and links 

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