Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC): Management Sub-group minutes – February 2024

Minutes from the meeting held on 28 February 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government  
  • Scottish Housing Regulator 
  • NHS Scotland Assure
  • The Association of the University Directors of Estates 
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)
  • Scottish Heads of Property Services (SHoPs) 

Items and actions

Minute of previous meeting, actions arising 

The minutes were agreed subject to amendment and the actions from the previous meeting were noted as having been completed. 

Terms of Reference

Attendees suggested that it would be valuable to have representation from the construction industry present on the group including contractors who are currently working on RAAC remediation. Dedicated workshops where contractors could highlight case studies on RAAC identification and remediation would also be beneficial to group members.

Sector updates on remediation planning

Further and Higher Education 

  • Scottish Funding Council (SFC) have made public a list of colleges and universities who have RAAC at their institutions. Currently 18 institutions with RAAC, all at different stages of the mitigation/remediation process. Many factors will come into consideration when deciding the approach to take including whether it’s preferable to remediate or in some cases to demolish
  • funding is a considerable barrier for colleges in determining how to address the presence of RAAC given the extent they rely financially on the SFC. Universities have greater resilience in this respect
  • attendees noted that conservation law, including listed building status, could impact on remediation planning 


  • WSP (engineering consultants) are in the process of developing detailed solutions for common scenarios involving RAAC through a survey programme, including through the use of technology. Proposals will be shared with the various Health Boards
  • as each Health Board is an autonomous organisation this creates variations in consistency in regards to the approach taken with RAAC. Another common issue is the location of the RAAC, a ‘one solution fits all’ approach may not be applicable due to the location of the RAAC, for example whether in a plant room or operating theatre. Funding was also highlighted as an issue 


  • initial data collection request was sent out in October 2023 with returns from all regulated landlords. At present, 106 registered social landlords (RSLs) do not have RAAC, 11 do, with 48 still investigating. A new data collection request has since been sent out to the landlords still investigating and an update will be provided to the Scottish Government shortly 
  • it has been challenging getting the investigations done within the appropriate time frames. One of the main barriers are properties where there is mixed tenure with  tenants and private owners in the same building. The issue of identifying property for the use of decanted tenants was also raised (including implications for homelessness accommodation programmes) as was the issue of funding  

Local Authorities (SHOPS)

  • assessment work ongoing across Local Authority estates. Issues noted concerning being able to access properties (housing), the importance of sharing information and the market capacity in terms of survey work. Noted that Aberdeen City engineers were supporting Right to Buy property owners
  • remediation work is being done on a case by case basis. Each local authority has a different solution depending on the scale and size of the RAAC present. Schools are generally well advanced in their remediation work  

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 

  • RAAC has been monitored quarterly at fire stations since 2019 and has been found in 14 stations. In the last 6 months, multiple surveys have been carried out to assess the conditions of the panels. Currently looking at ways to bring the risk down whilst leaving the RAAC panels in place – a proposal on this is due to be submitted 
  • funding is an issue as well as the location of the RAAC given these are fire stations in active use and remediation might cause disruption 

Any other business

WSP are developing guidance and training on how to deliver surveys while at the same time keeping facilities open during assessment work. Attendees noted that the IStructE guidance on RAAC could be interpreted differently depending on individual engineers. 

Date of Next Meeting 

The date of the next meeting has still to be confirmed. 

Actions arising from the meeting 

Action point 2.1

Engage with Historic Environment Scotland on conservation and listed building issues    

Action point 2.2

To share Aberdeen City Council communications    

Action point 2.3

Pass on any information from IStructE to the group    

Action point 2.4

Request for contractor/engineer contact details for future meeting

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