Scottish Natural Heritage relocation: written authority - March 2003

Written authority and formal request between the Accountable Officer and Minister for Environment and Rural Development a written authority regarding the relocation of Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). A Written Authority is provided to Accountable Officers by Ministers in circumstances when delivering an action is inconsistent with the Accountable Officer’s Duties and a ministerial direction on the specific action is required to continue.

Request for written authority

From: John Graham, ERAD
To: Minister for Environment and Rural Development
Date: 26 March 2003

SNH relocation

  1. Further to my minute of 12 March, I minute now to request that you issue to me, in  my capacity as Accountable Officer responsible for the sponsorship of Scottish Natural Heritage, written authority to implement the decision reached by Ministers  and  communicated to the Chairman and the Chief Executive on 19 March.
  2. My earlier minute, of which I attach a copy, explained that after advice from Finance and Solicitors, I had concluded that I have to seek a written instruction if Ministers were to decide to proceed with the relocation to Inverness. I therefore now make this request under section 15(8) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000.
  3. The Ministerial authority would apply to actions taken by any Executive official as may be necessary to implement Ministers' decision as regards the relocation of Scottish Natural Heritage.
  4. I attach a draft in the form I require. When I have received a signed copy of this, I am required by the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000 to send a copy to the Auditor General for Scotland, and by the memorandum to Accountable Officers to send a copy also to the Clerk of the Parliament's Audit Committee.

John Graham ERAD
26 March 2003



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