
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment not required declaration - draft

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment screening draft examining potential impacts of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).

Fairer Scotland Duty - Assessment not required declaration

Policy title: Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Directorate: Marine Directorate

Division: Marine Economy and Communities

Policy lead responsible for taking the decision: Jane MacPherson

Rationale for decision

Based on a scoping exercise it has been determined that the REM SSI will not have any direct or indirect effects on anyone determined to be at a socio-economic disadvantage, which could be described as:

  • Low / no wealth
  • Low income
  • Area deprivation
  • Material deprivation

The REM legislation will not directly address socio-economic status as an objective. The policy is not strategic in nature and is designed to provide assurance that fishers are complying with existing fishing legislation, for example spatial restrictions in place through the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) network, and the discards ban under the landing obligation. The policy will affect all relevant fishers, but only those who demonstrate breaches of the law could incur additional enforcement costs. It will therefore not benefit or disadvantage anyone, regardless of socio-economic background.

The requirement for the dredge sector to carry REM was rolled out as a voluntary measure, prior to the laying of the SSI. The voluntary scheme was funded through European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) support, and has provided fishers with a longer timeframe to prepare for incurring the cost of replacing devices when they reach their end of life. Furthermore, use of the technology is expected to help build the scallop fleets credentials with the possible increase in value to fishers as a result.

A scoping exercise for the Scottish Pelagic fleet has been undertaken and has found that, based on the current profitability, the fleet is sufficiently well resourced to fund any REM technologies without the need for any public funding. The maximum purchase and installation costs of REM are estimated to be less than 1% of the average Scottish pelagic vessel’s annual net profit. Further information can be found within the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA).

An assessment under the Fairer Scotland Duty is not required as the SSI does not represent a strategic decision and is operational in nature. Its provisions should not have any direct implications of inequalities arising from socio-economic disadvantage. The scientific and research benefits arising as an objective from the introduction of the SSI, will be suitably anonymised, as per the Privacy Notice, and will not have any direct impact on a human.

I confirm that the decision to not carry out a Fairer Scotland assessment has been authorised by:

Name and job title of Deputy Director (or equivalent): Malcolm Pentland, Deputy Director and Head of the Marine Economy and Communities Portfolio

Date Authorisation given: 1 March 2024



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