Scallop fishing - remote electronic monitoring: guidance

This guidance sits alongside the Remote Electronic Monitoring SSI, which came into force for scallop fishers on 17 June 2024.

6.1 Annex A

Example REM Validation Survey Form

Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Equipment Validation Survey Form

Please provide information below & return completed form to

Suggested date for REM inspection

*Marine Directorate (MD) will require 3 days notice



1. Vessel Information

Vessel name



Usual home port of vessel

Vessel Length (metres)

Gross Registered Tonnage

Maximum Number of Dredges

(including bar length)

2. Owner Details


Owner Business Address

Email Address

Telephone Number

3. Contact Details of the nominated person who will liaise with MD to facilitate REM Remote inspection.

* nominated person will usually be the Master of the vessel.

Name of Contact and Relationship to Vessel

Email Address

Telephone Number

4. REM System

Date of Installation

Provider Name

System Model

Hardware ID or serial number of system

Temporary Login details to access Data Capture Platform

Number of cameras installed

Type of Winch Sensors installed (eg. Hydraulic, proximity)

Any other sensor inputs (beyond GPS, Speed, Winch, cameras) inc. hardware details

Name of Port where vessel will be located during the remote inspection.

5. Additional information & any comments

6. Camera Positions- Please indicate below approximate location of cameras and coverage . (e.g. camera #1 “PORT SIDE” on wheelhouse roof covering port side)


Hardware, Resolution & Frames Per Second

Location & Description

Camera # 1 (insert name on system)

Camera # 2 (insert name on system)

Winch Sensor * Inform the representative named in section 3 that the winch sensors will be tested at the first available opportunity the vessel fishes in Scottish waters.

How many Winch Sensors


I confirm that the information contained in this document is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I undertake to notify Marine Directorate [Insert Time Period] in advance of any changes to the information set out above, by completing and returning an updated Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Equipment Validation Survey Form containing the updated information and sending this to I undertake to provide any additional information or documentation, including any diagrams, which may reasonably be requested by Marine Directorate, on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, in connection with validating the remote electronic monitoring system installed on board the vessel to which this document relates.

Data Protection Act 1998: The Scottish Government undertakes to comply with the data protection principles in all matters relating to the processing and storing of personal information.




Please now return this form to the FDF Unit

Marine Directorate Official Use Only

Date completed form received from Vessel



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