
Higher education - renewing the alliance for fair access: annual report 2024

The sixth annual report of the Commissioner for Fair Access concludes that much has already been achieved in delivering fair access to higher education in Scotland, but Professor John H. McKendrick considers how the framework for promoting fair access can be strengthened.


1. TheyWorkForYou - First Minister statement on 2014-15 Programme for Government

2. SNP - Nicola Sturgeon's farewell speech at the Scottish Parliament

3. Scottish Government - Equality, Opportunity, Community. New Leadership - A fresh start

4. Scottish Government - "New Leadership, A Fresh Start for Scotland": First Minister's speech – 18 April 2023

5. Scottish Government - Equality, Opportunity, Community. New Leadership - A fresh start

6. p.5 in Maintaining the Momentum Towards Fair Access, Annual Report 2022

7. Scottish Government - UK economic and fiscal outlook: summary

8. Scottish Government - Scottish Budget 2024-25

9. Foreword. Ibid.

10. p.67 in Scottish Government - Scottish Budget 2024-25

11. Table A5.06 on p.72. Ibid.

12. Table A5.07 on p.73. Ibid.

13. Scottish Government National Statistics - Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-2022 - Children

14. Scottish Government National Statistics - Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-2022 - Working-age adults

15. Scottish Government - Closing the poverty-related attainment gap: progress report 2016 to 2021

16. For the Scottish Attainment Challenge and its poverty-related attainment gap: Scottish Government - Pupil attainment: closing the gap; For tackling child poverty: Scottish Government - Best Start, Bright Futures: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2022 to 2026

17. The twentieth recommendation in 2019; Recommendations 2 and 4 in 2021; and Recommendation 4 in 2022.

18. Scottish Union for Education – Newsletter No13

19. Scottish Union for Education - Newsletter No4

20. The Herald - Middle class pupils missing university place will see reform

21. Scottish Parliament - Meeting of the Parliament Thursday, January 12, 2023

22. As the Open University in Scotland does not deliver full-time degrees, it is not captured in this metric.

23. Tables 1, 1A and 1B (Background Tables): SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

24. Tables 2 and 2A. Ibid.

25. Tables 3 and 3A. Ibid.

26. Scottish Wider Access Programme - About SWAP

27. GCU - Outreach

28. See Chapter 3: Widening Access to Higher Education: Does Anyone Know What Works? A Report to Universities Scotland

29. A Blueprint for Fairness: Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access

30. ROWA data are rounded to the nearest 5 or 0. All numbers in these tables are estimates, albeit accurate ones based on data that have been verified. Where small numbers are involved, these estimates have more uncertainty, e.g.,, the estimate of 23 for the number of CoWA Core Target students progressing to year 2 from SRUC. This caveat also applies to Table 2.

31. Joint highest number with 2020-21 and joint highest proportion with 2019-20.

32. The number is an estimate calculated from the ROWA Table 2A for 2021/22. which reports that of the 155 SIMD20 entrants, 87.3% progressed to a second year of study.

33. Joint highest number, alongside the previous two years (2019/20 and 2020/21).

34. The number is an estimate calculated from the ROWA Table 2A for 2021/22. which reports that of the 30 SIMD20 entrants, 77.4% progressed to a second year of study.

35. The number is an estimate calculated from the ROWA Table 2A for 2021/22. which reports that of the 685 SIMD20 entrants, 90.2% progressed to a second year of study.

36. Joint highest number, alongside the previous year (2020/21).

37. Scottish Government - Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

38. Scottish Government - Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans

39. Scottish Government - Lifelong Learning and Skills Directorate

40. SFC - Skills, Enhancement, Access and Learning Committee

41. SFC - Access, Learning and Outcomes

42. ASPIRENorth - Schools for Higher Education Programme



45. Focus West

46. Reach at the University of Aberdeen (University of Aberdeen - Reach); University of Dundee (University of Dundee - Reach); University of Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh - Reach), University of Glasgow (University of Glasgow - Reach) and University of St Andrews (University of St Andrews - Reach).

47. ACES at Glasgow School of Art (); Gray's School of Art at Robert Gordon University (Robert Gordon University - ACES Programme); Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee (University of Dundee - ACES (Access to Creative Education in Scotland)); and Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh - Access to Creative Education in Scotland (ACES)).

48. Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - What is Transitions?

49. GCU - Advanced Higher Hub

50. Scottish Framework for Fair Access - About SCAPP

51. Universities Scotland - Fair access

52. Universities Scotland - Working to Widen Access

53. Universities Scotland - Access All Areas

54. Colleges Scotland - Access

55. Scottish Government - Access Delivery Group

56. Universities Scotland - Scotland's colleges and universities launch plans for more flexible pathways for learners in the post-COVID economy

57. QAA - About us

58. Enhancement Themes - How the Enhancement Themes Are Managed

59. UCAS - Who we are

60. SCQF - The SCQF partnership


62. AHDS

63. National Union of Students Scotland

64. UCU - Scotland

65. Carers UK - Scotland

66. MMWS - Disabling Barriers Scotland

67. StandAlone

68. Universities of Sanctuary

69. Scottish Government - Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce sub group

70. The Robertson Trust - Journey to Success

71. The Carnegie Trust - Undergraduate Tuition Fee Grants

72. The City of Dundee Educational Trust

73. Glasgow Educational & Marshall Trust

74. Wheatley Homes Glasgow - Bursaries

75. My Academic Family - About

76. Universities Scotland - Access All Areas

77. University of Aberdeen - SIMD 20 - One Year Free Accommodation Offer

78. Abertay University - AHEAD

79. University of Dundee - External partners for widening access

80. Edinburgh Napier University - Students helping students

81. University of Edinburgh - IntoUniversity Partnership

82. GCU - Caledonian Club

83. P.13 in: The Glasgow School of Art - CURRENT


85. Heriot-Watt University - Heriot-Watt Widening Access Bursary (Scotland)

86. University of the Highlands and Islands - Widening access framework

87. Queen Margaret University - Enhanced Learning Tutoring Initiative

88. Robert Gordon University - Schools Engagement Programmes

89. Royal Conservatoire of Scotland - Widening Access to the Creative Industries

90. Issuu - SRUC Senior Phase Schools Prospectus 2024

91. University of St Andrews - First Chances Fife

92. University of Stirling - Access courses

93. University of Strathclyde - Young Strathclyder

94. University of the West of Scotland - Foundation Academy

95. GCU - Advanced Higher Hub


97. Background Table 1 in: SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

98. Background Table 8b in Ibid.

99. Background Table 8c in Ibid.

100. CoWA Table 2 and 2A in: SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

101. Data on qualifiers (CoWA Table 3 and 3A) in effect, captures 'progression' in the final year of study (the fourth year of study for those entering HE in year 1; third year of study for those entering HE in year 2; and second year of study for those entering HE in year 3). No data on progression is reported for progression at the end of a second year of study (for those who entered in year 1 and year 2) and at the end of a third year of study (for those who entered in year 1).

102. For example: NUS Scotland - Cost of Survival report; and Times Higher Education - Rise in working students 'should prompt radical teaching rethink'; and Times Higher Education - Poorer UK students 'get £1,300 less' towards living costs.

103. For example: Times Higher Education - 'Unprecedented' fall in entry rate for disadvantaged students; and Times Higher Education - PhDs and master's 'overwhelmingly slanted' to wealthy students

104. For example: Times Higher Education - Redrawing of French student support would be 'huge change'; and Japan Times - Japan plans to make university tuition free for large families.

105. Scottish Government - Access to postgraduate study - representation and destinations: discussion paper

106. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities across deprivation quintiles, 2013-14 to 2021-22, FTFP (Background Table 2)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

107. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities across deprivation quintiles, 2013-14 to 2021-22, FTFP (Background Table 2)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

108. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities across deprivation quintiles, 2013-14 to 2021-22, FTFP (Background Table 2)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

109. Some caution is required with these data. We do not know with certainty how much of the increase in numbers of those that are disabled is a real increase in widening access, rather than students having more confidence to self-report it (e.g., more comfortable highlighting mental health issues), or institutions being more pro-active in facilitating this.

110. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities across deprivation quintiles, 2013-14 to 2021-22, FTFP (Background Table 2)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

111. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities across deprivation quintiles, 2013-14 to 2021-22, FTFP (Background Table 2)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

112. SFC (2023) 'Number and Proportion of Scottish-domiciled entrants to Scottish Universities, 2013-14 to 2021-22, by various characteristic groups, FTFP (Background Table 1)'. ROWA 2021-22 Background Tables. SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

113. The University of Aberdeen Widening Access Contextualised Admissions Policy

114. Scottish Government - Post-school education, research and skills - purpose and principles

115. p.4 in: Scottish Government - Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education, Research and Skills

116. p.2 in Ibid.

117. pp.4-5 in Ibid.

118. In particular, short-term outcomes 8,9,10,11,13,14,23,31 and 32 in Scottish Government - Introduction: logic models for the Purpose and Principles

119. In particular, medium-term outcomes 5,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,16,18 and 26 in Ibid.

120. In particular, long-term outcomes 3,4,5,8 and 13 in Ibid.

121. p.6 in Scottish Government - Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education, Research and Skills - Initial Priorities

122. Scottish Government - Fit for the Future: developing a post-school learning system to fuel economic transformation

123. Paragraph 1.20 in Ibid.

124. p.38 in Ibid.

125. Paragraph 2.21 in Ibid.

126. Paragraph 1.23 in Ibid.

127. Paragraph 3.02, pillar 6 in Ibid.

128. Paragraph 4.37 in Ibid.

129. Recommendation 7 in Ibid.

130. Paragraph 4.29 in Ibid.

131. Scottish Government - Fit for the Future: developing a post-school learning system to fuel economic transformation

132. p.93 in Ibid. Embedding the Scottish Diploma of Achievement is recommended between 2028 and 2032.

133. p.12 in Ibid.

134. p.75 in Ibid.

135. p.74 in Ibid.

136. For example, p.73 in Ibid.

137. pp.66-67 in Ibid.

138. p.105 in Ibid.

139. p.80 in Ibid.

140. p.66 in Ibid.

141. p.66 in Ibid.

142. p.12 in Ibid.

143. p.71 in Ibid.

144. p.77 in Ibid.

145. Scottish Government - National Strategy for Economic Transformation: annual progress report June 2023

146. Universities Scotland - Economic Transformation

147. SFC - Guidance for the development of College Outcome Agreements: 2020-21. Annex B: Technical Guidance on SFC's measures of progress

148. Recommendation 2 in Maintaining the Momentum Towards Fair Access: annual report 2022

149. Table 1A in (Background Tables) in Report on Widening Access 2021-22

150. Scottish Government - Introduction: logic models for the Purpose and Principles

151. Universities Scotland - Increasing number of Scottish university students from deprived backgrounds requires a change in how deprivation is defined

152. Table 2 and 2a (Background Tables) in SFC - Report on Widening Access 2021-22

153. Table 3, 3a and 3b (Background Tables) in Ibid.

154. Tables 14a, 14b, 14c and 14d (Background Tables) in Ibid.

155. Table 14c (Background Tables) in Ibid.

156. The fifth recommendation in 2019, Recommendation 2 in 2020, Recommendation 7 in 2021 and Recommendation 5 in 2022.

157. Dr Laurence Lasselle


159. Universities Scotland - Action on Access

160. Scottish Framework for Fair Access - Toolkit

161. Paragraph 2.21 in Scottish Government - Fit for the Future: developing a post-school learning system to fuel economic transformation

162. A Blueprint for Fairness: Final Report of the Commission on Widening Access

163. p.105 in Scottish Government - Fit for the Future: developing a post-school learning system to fuel economic transformation

164. Recommendation 22 in 2017, the 22nd recommendation in 2019, Recommendation 5 in 2020 and Recommendation 1 in 2021.

165. For example, in response to CoWA Recommendation 13, the Commissioner prepared a briefing paper on university 'league tables': Commissioner for Fair Access discussion paper: league tables

166. Higher education - re-committing to Fair Access - a plan for recovery: annual report 2021

167. Recommendation 8.

168. Recommendation 15 in 2017, the third recommendation (not numbered) in 2019, Recommendation 3 in 2020, Recommendation 10 in 2021 and Recommendation 6 in 2022.

169. For example: NUS Scotland - Cost of Survival report; and Times Higher Education - Rise in working students 'should prompt radical teaching rethink'; and Times Higher Education - Poorer UK students 'get £1,300 less' towards living costs.

170. For example: Times Higher Education - 'Unprecedented' fall in entry rate for disadvantaged students; and Times Higher Education - PhDs and master's 'overwhelmingly slanted' to wealthy students

171. For example: Times Higher Education - Redrawing of French student support would be 'huge change'; and Japan Times - Japan plans to make university tuition free for large families.

172. SFC - SFC Access initiatives

173. Scottish Wider Access Programme

174. Refer also to: Scottish Government - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020v2 local and national share calculator

175. An exemplar of which is: A Blueprint for Fairness in the Glasgow Region

176. Universities Scotland - Scotland's universities introduce minimum entry requirements

177. Universities Scotland - Working to Widen Access

178. Royal Scottish Geographical Society - The RSGS Education Conference



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