
Renewing Scotland's public services: priorities for reform in response to the Christie Commission

The Government's response to the Christie commission on the future delivery of public services.


Picture of John Swinney

Last November, the First Minister asked Dr Campbell Christie CBE to lead the Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services.

We recognised the need to address long-term pressures and wanted an expert, independent analysis of the issues to guide the key decisions that would clearly need to be taken following the May Scottish election.

The Christie Commission reported at the end of June in time to inform this year's Spending Review and shape our resource plans for the next three years. I am very grateful to Dr Christie, members of the Commission and all those who contributed to their work.

This document signals the Government's positive response to the Christie report and describes our approach to public service reform. It shows how we plan to build on a successful track record of competence and achievement with a bold and imaginative programme of reform.

Our approach closely reflects the key themes and aims of the Christie Commission's report. It is built on four pillars:

  • a decisive shift towards prevention;
  • greater integration of public services at a local level driven by better partnership, collaboration and effective local delivery;
  • greater investment in the people who deliver services through enhanced workforce development and effective leadership; and
  • a sharp focus on improving performance, through greater transparency, innovation and use of digital technology.

Discussion on many detailed aspects of the Christie Commission's report will continue in the months ahead. But we will not delay taking actions necessary to equip Scotland to meet the long-term financial and demand challenges ahead. We will accelerate our improvement agenda, speed up cycles of innovation and sharpen the focus on value for money.

The Scottish Government will provide leadership. Our clear direction will be an unrelenting focus on improving outcomes for people and communities across Scotland. We ask all concerned to join us on this journey.

John Swinney Signature

John Swinney
Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth

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