Rented sector reform: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Rented Sector Reform provisions in the Housing (Scotland) Bill


1. Scotland's Census 2022 - Rounded population estimates | Scotland's Census (

2. Scottish Government, Housing statistics: Stock by tenure. Figures are estimated stock as of March 2022. In the Financial Memorandum, the number of private rented households is rounded to 340,000 when used in costings.

3. Combined figure for 'single parents', 'large families' and 'small families'

4. Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

5. Scottish Household Survey: publications - (

6. Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

7. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 2 – Technical Annex (

8. Rent Better | How is private renting in Scotland changing? (

9. SWA response Rented Sector Strategy consultation April 2022.pdf (

10. Improving Housing Outcomes for Women and Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Report.pdf (

11. Children's social circumstances and educational outcomes (

12. Fuel poverty is intimately linked to poor health - The University of Liverpool Repository

13. Hidden homelessness international evidence review - 2023 (

14. Illegal Eviction: Experiences of CAB clients in Scotland - Summary Report (Citizens Advice Scotland, April 2023)

15. Evictions by social landlords in Scotland 2012-2016.pdf (

16. 44% in social rented households and 34% in private rented households, compared to 8% in households buying with a mortgage and 14% in households who own outright were found to be in relative poverty (below 60% of UK median income after housing costs). Source: Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23

17. 47% in social rented households and 40% in private rented households are, compared to 10% in households buying with a mortgage and 18% in households who own outright. The latest available figures across the period 2017 to 2020, on an after housing costs basis, and are sourced from Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland Tables

18. 63% of social rented households and 40% of private rented households in Scotland are categorised as financially vulnerable, compared with 24% of households buying with a mortgage and 9% of households owning outright. Financial vulnerability is defined as households with savings which would cover less than one month of income at the poverty line. Data covers the 2018 to 2020 and is sourced from Scottish Government Statistical publication on Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020) Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020 (

19. Additional poverty analysis 2021 - (

20. 4 From YouGov online polling for Scottish Government; fieldwork: 5-7 March 2024; sample of c.1000 adults 18+ across Scotland each wave; weighted to be fully representative demographically and geographically. Data tables for all adults can be found here: Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables

21. This was part of a prompted list of potential concerns in the next 2-3 months

22. Poverty and income inequality statistics - (

23. Scottish Government analysis of Family Resources Survey Data (2020-23) Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 (

24. Additional child poverty analysis 2024 - (

25. Tackling child poverty delivery plan: fourth year progress report 2021-2022 - focus report on households with babies under one - (

26. Living in Scotland's Private Rented Sector: A Bespoke Survey of Renters' experiences – September 2022

27. Microsoft Word - Wave 1 Baseline Report published.docx (

28. Living in Scotland's Private Rented Sector: A Bespoke Survey of Renters' experiences – September 2022

29. What do lower income tenants in Scotland's private rented sector want to see from a new rented sector? - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

30. Living in Scotland's private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter's experiences - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

31. Living in Scotland's Private Rented Sector: A Bespoke Survey of Renters' experiences – September 2022

32. The role of private landlords in making a rented house a home (

33. PRS.-Report-2.pdf">CaCHE Wellbeing in the PRS. Report 2.pdf (

34. PRS.-Report-2.pdf">See footnote 43

35. "I Can't Give Up When I Have Them to Care for": People's Experiences of Pets and Their Mental Health ( and (PDF) Childhood Attachment to Pets: Associations between Pet Attachment, Attitudes to Animals, Compassion, and Humane Behaviour (

36. Living in Scotland's private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter's experiences | Housing Evidence and Low income renters priorities for change Scotland synthesis report September 2022-1.pdf (

37. Introduction - Child and parental wellbeing: measuring outcomes and understanding their relation with poverty - (

38. Eviction of children and families: the impact and the alternatives - Shelter Scotland and Understanding the True Cost of Evictions in Scotland, Shelter Scotland

39. Sharp, N. (2008). What's yours is mine. The different forms of economic abuse and its impact on women and children experiencing domestic violence.

40. Scottish Women's Aid. 2015. Change, Justice, Fairness: why should we have to move everywhere and everything because of him?

41. Homelessness in Scotland 2022-23 (

42. Feedback from the tenancy deposit schemes - Tenancy Deposit Scheme: review - (

43. A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

44. A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

45. Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis report - (

46. Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis of email responses - (

47. Policy Memorandum accessible (

48. See footnote 43

49. See footnote 43

50. See footnote 43

51. New deal for tenants - rented sector reform proposals: consultation - (

52. See footnote 43

53. See footnote 43

54. See footnote 51

55. See footnote 43

56. Tenancy Deposit Scheme: review - (

57. See footnote 43

58. See footnote 51

59. See footnote 43

60. See footnote 51

61. See footnote 51

62. See footnote 43

63. See footnote 51

64. See footnote 14

65. Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges (

66. Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

67. RentBetter - Wave 1 Baseline Report published.docx (

68. Living in Scotland's private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter's experiences | Housing Evidence

69. Housing challenges faced by low income renters evidence review Sept 2022-1.pdf (

70. The role of private landlords in making a rented house a home, 2022

71. What do lower income tenants in Scotland's private rented sector want to see from a new Rented Sector?

72. Living in Scotland's private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter's experiences - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

73. Feedback from the tenancy deposit schemes - Tenancy Deposit Scheme: review - (

74. Sustaining Tenancies Following Domestic Abuse (

75. Sharp, N. (2008). What's yours is mine. The different forms of economic abuse and its impact on women and children experiencing domestic violence.

76. Domestic Abuse and Homelessness: Introductory Briefing (

77. Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020 (

78. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 ( Data for this period are two-year averages



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