Rented Sector Reform: Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) Screening for Rented Sector Reform

Rented Sector Reform Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment

The Housing (Scotland) Bill (“the Bill”) - Rented Sector Reform policies are as follows:

  • Part 1 (Chapter 1 & 2), Powers for Scottish Ministers to introduce rent control areas
  • Part 1 (Chapter 3), Frequency of rent increase
  • Part 1 (Chapter 3), Capping of rent increases on referral or appeal
  • Part 2, Evictions: duties to consider delay
  • Part 2, Evictions: damages for unlawful eviction
  • Part 3, Private residential tenancy and Scottish Secure Tenancies: Keeping pets
  • Part 3, Private residential tenancy: Making changes to let property
  • Part 4, Unclaimed tenancy deposits etc.
  • Part 4, Ending Joint tenancies
  • Part 4, Social landlords: delivery of notices etc.
  • Part 4, Converting older tenancies
  • Part 5, Social landlords pre-action requirement where domestic abuse a factor



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