Rented Sector Reform: Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment

Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) Screening for Rented Sector Reform


1 Housing to 2040 - (

2 A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

3 Mid-2022 Population Estimates Scotland | National Records of Scotland (

4 Island Dashboard by RESAS - Infogram

5 Mid-2022 Population Estimates Scotland | National Records of Scotland (

6 SIMD data zones are small areas which show how deprived that area is compared to other areas.

7 Island Dashboard by RESAS - Infogram

8 Improving our understanding of child poverty in rural and island Scotland: research - (

9 A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

10 Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) tool - (

11 Local Housing Allowance Rates: 2019-2020 - (

12 Local level household income estimates - (

13 Island Dashboard by RESAS - Infogram

14 The Precarity of Young People’s Housing Experiences in a Rural Context: Scottish Geographical Journal: Vol 133, No 2 (

15 Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2023 | National Records of Scotland (

16 Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics Scotland to 31 December 2023 - (

17 Rural and islands housing: action plan - (

18 Private Sector Rent Statistics, Scotland, 2010 to 2023 - (

19 Scottish Government statistics are drawn mainly from new let rents, and thus the impact of rent controls under the 2022 Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Act will not be captured in this data.

20 See Figure in 1 in Cost of Living Bill - Key Statistics - (

21 Cost of Living Bill - Key Statistics - (

22 See Figure 2 in Cost of Living Bill - Key Statistics - (

23 The Scottish Landlord Register is used to identify the number of private rented households in this table, as it is the most up to date data available (March 2024). There are some limitations of this data source, such as the fact that registrations last for a period of three years and there could be a time lag in landlords de-registering properties which are no longer available for rent. Also, in the case of any landlords looking to leave the sector or reduce their portfolio, it should also be recognised that the process could take several months from freeing up properties to completing sales.

24 The number of dwellings to create percentages of all dwellings is sourced from Households and Dwellings in Scotland, 2023, Report (

25 Using the most up to date available, March 2022 data is used to look at the social rented sector. Statistics are taken from the Scottish Governments stock by tenure statistics, and the underlying data is from the Scottish Housing Regulator and local authority returns. Housing statistics: Stock by tenure - (

26 Scottish Government (2021), The Cost of Remoteness: Reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty

27 Poverty in Rural Scotland: A Review of Evidence (

28 The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty: research report - (

29 See footnote 28

30 MIS values used in the fuel poverty calculation exclude fuel costs, childcare, rent, council tax and water.

31 The 2022 UK MIS value for a couple with 2 children ranges from £21,380 to £44,000 based on the age of children in the household. For this analysis a midpoint value of £26,730 was chosen which represents a couple with two primary school aged children (aged 5-11 inclusive).

32 Scottish House Condition Survey: 2022 Key Findings - (

33 Internal Scottish Government analysis.

34 Scottish House Condition Survey: 2017-2019 Local Authority Tables (

35 Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Act 2019 (

36 Reshaping health services and fuel poverty in the Outer Hebrides: Final report of the Gluasad Còmhla (Moving Together) project — University of Huddersfield Research Portal

37 Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill: island communities impact assessment -

38 Supporting documents - A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

39 A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

40 Housing to 2040: consultation analysis - (

41 A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

42 A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

43 New deal for tenants - rented sector reform proposals: consultation - (

44 These and subsequent figures relate to all respondents to the survey, as a breakdown of responses to an islands level is not available.

45 Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis report - (

46 Understanding landlord behaviour in the private rented sector in the UK - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

47 RentBetter Wave 2 Full Reports | Rent Better (

48 When assessing these trends data for each year related to end of December. Aside from: 2007 - 3rd December, 2011 - 30th November, and 2017- 31st January.



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