Rented Sector Reforms: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) Assessment for Rented Sector Reforms


1 A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

2 Introduced | Scottish Parliament Website

3 See footnote 2

4 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - ( There is evidence to suggest that social rented and private rented households may be slightly under-represented in the 2022 achieved sample. Users should take this into account when interpreting totals aggregated across all housing tenure groups.

5 There are some limitations in the SLR data, such as the fact that registrations last for a period of three years and there could be a time lag in landlords de-registering properties no longer available for rent; also data for 2018 and 2019 was affected by changes in the underlying IT system and is not used in this summary.

6 Housing Statistics 2022 & 2023: Key Trends Summary - (

7 Statistical information | Scottish Housing Regulator

8 Supporting documents - Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2022 - (

9 Includes ‘White: Irish’, ‘White: Gypsy/Traveller’, 'Roma', 'Showman/Showwoman' and ‘White: Other White Ethnic Group’

10 ‘Asian' includes the categories Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

11 ‘All other ethnic groups' includes categories within the 'Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group', ‘African’, ‘Caribbean or Black’ and ‘Other Ethnic Group’ sections

12 See footnote 11

13 See footnote 11

14 See footnote 11

15 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - Housing data table 1.8.

16 Housing costs include the following where applicable: rent (gross of housing benefit); water rates; mortgage interest payments; structural insurance premiums; ground rent and service charges.

17 The average monthly rent for a two-bedroom property in the private rented sector in the year to September 2023 was £841 (source: Scottish Government, Private Sector Rent Statistics, Scotland, 2010 to 2023) as compared with an average monthly rent (across all dwelling sizes) of £380 in the social rented sector in 2022-23 (source: Scottish Housing Regulator, Charter indicators and data by outcomes and standards).

18 Scottish Government analysis of the Department for Work and Pensions’ Households Below Average Income dataset (produced from the Family Resources Survey), which is used to produce the official income and poverty statistics.

19 Table 14a in Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 Three-year averages download data. Note that while headline poverty rates are usually based on three-year averages, the estimate for 2020-23 includes only two years’ data since survey results from 2020-21 are not used due to the impact of Covid-19.

20 Table 24a in Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23 Three-year averages download data. The estimate for 2019-22 is used instead of the most recent estimate for 2020-23 because, due to small sample size, the estimated child poverty rate in the private rented sector is not available for 2020-23. Note that while headline poverty rates are usually based on three-year averages, the estimate for 2019-22 includes only two years’ data since survey results from 2020-21 are not used due to the impact of Covid-19.

21 Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020 (

22 Additional poverty analysis 2021 - ( Statistics quoted here are for 2017-2020 rather than 2020-23 because the sample size in the 2020-23 dataset for privately rented households in the fourth and fifth highest income quintiles is too small to derive an estimate. The 2020-23 data shows that privately rented households in the lowest income quintile spent 51% of their income on housing costs, as compared with 23% for households in the third income quintile.

23 From YouGov online polling for Scottish Government; fieldwork: 5-7 March 2024; sample of c.1000 adults 18+ across Scotland each wave; weighted to be fully representative demographically and geographically. Data tables for all adults can be found here: Public attitudes to cost of living and other topics: tracker - data tables

24 This was part of a prompted list of potential concerns in the next 2-3 months

25 What do lower income tenants in Scotland’s private rented sector want to see from a new rented sector? - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

26 UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (2022), Living in Scotland's private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renters' experiences

27 Indigo House (2020), Rent Better: Wave 1 Baseline Report

28 RentBetter Wave 2 Full Reports | Rent Better (

29 Supporting documents - A New Deal for Tenants - draft strategy: consultation - (

30 A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

31 Rent control: equality impact assessment results - (

32 Citizens Advice Scotland (2023), Illegal Eviction: Experiences of CAB clients in Scotland

33 Landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire on rented sector reform - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

34 New deal for tenants - rented sector reform proposals: consultation - (

35 Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis report - (

36 Rented sector reform: landlord and tenant engagement questionnaire - analysis of email responses - (

37 Wave 2 Final Report (

38 Research Report Survey of Private Landlords - Shelter England (

39 Understanding landlord behaviour in the private rented sector in the UK - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence (accessed February 2024).

40 The rent control system in the Republic of Ireland is based on caps on rent increases, which is the approach proposed in the Housing Bill.

41 Rent control: review of the evidence base - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

42 Rent control: principles, practicalities and international experience - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

43 Cross-party group on housing – report on rent control - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

44 RentBetter Baseline Full Reports | Rent Better (

45 RentBetter Wave 2 Full Reports | Rent Better (

46 The health impacts of eviction: Evidence from the national longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health - ScienceDirect

47 Housing insecurity and mental health: an evidence review - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

48 Eviction from rental housing and its links to health: A scoping review - ScienceDirect

49 Eviction and the Necessary Conditions for Health | New England Journal of Medicine (

50 Eviction as a community health exposure - ScienceDirect

51 Poverty, evictions and forced moves | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (

52 CaCHE Wellbeing in the PRS Report 2 (

53 Supporting documents - A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

54 A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis - (

55 Citizens Advice Scotland (2023), Illegal Eviction: Experiences of CAB clients in Scotland

56 McKee et al (2021) Making a Home in the Private Rented Sector

57 UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (2021) Health and Wellbeing in the UK Private Rented Sector | Enhancing capabilities

58 Full article: “I Can’t Give Up When I Have Them to Care for”: People’s Experiences of Pets and Their Mental Health (

59 ‘They ask no questions and pass no criticism’: A mixed-methods study exploring pet ownership in autism | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (

60 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges ( p.3-4.

61 What do lower income tenants in Scotland’s private rented sector want to see from a new rented sector? - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence (accessed February 2024).

62 Pets and private renting: a rapid evidence review of the barriers, benefits, and challenges ( p.10

63 RentBetter Baseline Full Reports | Rent Better (

64 McKee et al (2021) Making a Home in the Private Rented Sector;

65 Health and wellbeing in the private rented sector part 1 | literature review - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

66 Health and wellbeing in the UK private rented sector | enhancing capabilities part 2 | findings from tenant interviews - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

67 Living in Scotland’s private rented sector: a bespoke survey of renter’s experiences - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

68 The role of private landlords in making a rented house a home (

69 RentBetter Baseline Full Reports | Rent Better (

70 What do lower income tenants in Scotland’s private rented sector want to see from a new rented sector? - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

71 Understanding landlord behaviour in the private rented sector in the UK - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

72 As explained in a domestic abuse briefing report by Crisis - Domestic Abuse and Homelessness: Introductory Briefing (

73 Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland and Scottish Women's Aid (2020), Improving housing outcomes for women and children experiencing domestic abuse

74 What's yours is mine - The different forms of economic abuse and its impact on women and children experiencing domestic violence. Sharp, N. (2008). (

75 See footnote 74

76 Domestic Abuse and Homelessness: Introductory Briefing (

77 Renters' Rights Campaign Launch | Scottish Government Marketing News (

78 Know Your Rights as a Tenant – Young Scot

79 Rent control: review of the evidence base - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence

80 See section on Part 1 (Chapters 1 and 2) above for more details on various sources of evidence considered.

81 What do lower income tenants in Scotland’s private rented sector want to see from a new rented sector? - UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence and Living in Scotland PRS survey report September 2022 (

82 The Financial Impact Pet Ownership Rental Properties Summary Briefing (

83 Scottish Government (2022), A New Deal for Tenants: consultation analysis



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