
Independent living fund re-opening: letter from Minister

Letter from Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport to the ILF Co-production Working Group on 20 March 2024, in response to their recommendations report.

To: Independent Living Fund Co-production Working Group
From: Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport

Response to ILF Working Group recommendations

The First Minister announced as part of the 2023 Programme for Government that the ILF would reopen in 2024-25, with an initial commitment of £9 million to help up to 1,000 disabled people live more independently. Part of this commitment was that the reopened Fund would be co-produced with disabled people and other stakeholders.

To meet this commitment, a coproduction working group was established in October 2023, co-chaired by ILF Scotland and Scottish Government, and including representatives from disabled people's organisations, carers, care providers, CoSLA and local authorities. The remit of the working group was to provide recommendations for my consideration on the policies and access principles for the reopened Independent Living Fund.

I have now received the working group's final recommendations report and I am pleased to accept all of its recommendations. I have written to ILF Scotland to ask them to move forward with reopening the Fund from April 2024.

The working group highlighted in their report that they welcomed the fast pace that was set by the First Minister's commitment to reopen the Fund this year, but that the design of the Fund could be improved with more time to work. I understand their position and would like to accept the working group's offer to continue working to prepare recommendations on the further evolution of the reopened Fund after its first year open.

I would like to thank the members of the working group for giving their time, energy and expertise over the last six months. I know the work has been challenging, but it will play a significant role in improving the ability of disabled people to live independently in the years ahead.

Response to ILF Working Group recommendations
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