
Repairing Standard: statutory guidance for private landlords

This guidance is for use in determining whether a house meets the standards of repair set out in the Repairing Standard (Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, Chapter 4). It applies from 1 March 2024 to all tenancies required to meet with the Repairing Standard.

Annex G: Food storage and food preparation

G.1 Section 13(7)(k) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 provides that guidance for landlords on the Repairing Standard includes that the house has satisfactory provision for, and safe access to, a food storage area and a food preparation space.

G.2 When determining if the house meets this element of the Repairing Standard, the landlord should ensure the tenant can safely access food storage and food preparation space.

Food storage

G.3 In order to meet the requirement for food storage, a house must have either:

  • A cubic metre of storage space, with a door or drawers, suitable for keeping food products at room temperature, in or adjacent to the food preparation area, and separate from storage for cleaning products or close to drainage (therefore excluding the space under the kitchen sink); or
  • If this is not practical due to the design, age or construction of the building, be as close to the standard in the previous paragraph as possible.

G.4 There must also be space, and an appropriate power source, for the installation of a fridge and freezer, or a fridge/freezer. Landlords are not required to provide these appliances, but where they are provided they must meet the standards set out in Annex E.

G.5 The Repairing Standard is met if the available space for food storage is converted for other purposes at the tenant’s choice, such as for other kinds of storage or where a storage unit is replaced by other facilities, such as a dishwasher.

Food preparation

G.6 In order to meet the requirements of the Repairing Standard, a property must have an appropriate space for the preparation of food which includes:

  • A worktop or table for the preparation of food, or which can be made available for that purpose;
  • A conveniently located sink with an adequate supply of hot and cold water, for washing food products and washing or filling cooking utensils, and for the disposal of waste water from cooking;
  • Convenient access to a fridge that meets the requirement of paragraph G.4;
  • Convenient access to a cooker that meets the requirements of paragraph G.8; and
  • Access to storage space that meets the requirements of paragraph G.3.

G.7 Convenient access means in the same room, or immediately outside of it if it is not possible in view of the design, age or construction of the building.

G.8 Landlords are not required to provide cookers, but where they are provided they must meet the standards set out in Annex E. The minimum requirement is the convenient location of a suitable space and power source for a cooker, which is either a 30 amp or 45 amp electrical outlet or a gas supply.

G.9 The food preparation space must be set out in a way that allows it to be used safely, in particular:

  • Access to an electrical supply for appliances such as kettles and toasters on a worktop or kitchen table, set out so that cables do not go across the floor area;
  • Appliances such as kettles and toasters can be placed where they are not beneath wall units;
  • The cooker must be located so that it can be used safely without being knocked or jostled by people coming into or leaving the food preparation space;
  • A person using the kitchen space must be able to move between the cooker and the sink without being knocked or jostled by people coming into or leaving the food preparation space;
  • There must be at least 300mm of worktop space between the cooker and sink wet area, including the drainers; and
  • Food preparation areas must be separated from sanitary facilities for personal hygiene and bodily functions.



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