Clyde Cod closure 2024: report

Report on the 2024 Clyde Cod Closure, detailing both scientific and compliance work carried out in support of this management measure.

4. Conclusion and next steps

  • Scientific work carried out to date indicates that spawning cod were found both inside and outside the closure area, with similar proportions of spawning and non-spawning cod in each. Given the low number of cod encountered, it is impossible to draw firm conclusions on the relative abundance or proportions of spawning cod inside and outside the closure area.
  • The proportion of cod bycaught on the observed fishing trips was very small compared to other species in the bycatch. Given the small number of fish caught and trips observed, it is impossible to conclude more than to confirm the presence of spawning cod in the locations fished, and the low proportion of cod bycatch.
  • The limited samples and few occurrences of cod capture during 2024 monitoring work do not give sufficient confidence to make further decisions.
  • We appreciate that no fishery remains static in space and time and as such we are committed, not just to drawing sound conclusions from our scientific evidence, but also engaging meaningfully with those closest to the fishery.
  • During the remainder of the current SSI, the Marine Directorate will carry out additional work in the Clyde to strengthen the evidence base for future fisheries management. This will include analysing the data we have collected from passive acoustic receivers, as well as considering options for additional sampling and survey work, subject to best use of the various resources at our disposal.
  • Following the 2025 closure, we will consider the way ahead for this fishery, engaging in a consultation exercise to gather views from stakeholders. That consultation will reflect on how the closure has operated since 2022, and any changes that have taken place, using scientific and socio-economic evidence as the basis for future decisions. It will make recommendations for the future on that basis.



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