
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on children, young people and families - evidence summary October 2020

Summary of Scottish and UK evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people.

3. Mental health and mental wellbeing

A number of ongoing Scottish surveys on the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people's mental health and wellbeing are currently in the field or at the analysis and reporting stage e.g. Lockdown Lowdown research (Young Scot, Scottish Youth Parliament and YouthLink Scotland), the Children's Parliament research, TeenCovidLife2 survey research (University of Edinburgh) and In Isolation Instead of School (INISS) research project (University of Edinburgh/Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF). The findings of these will be reported in future briefings.

This month marks the publication of the Scottish Government's transition and recovery plan for mental health, which includes a section on children, young people and families (Section 6).



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