
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on children, young people and families - evidence summary September 2020

Summary of Scottish and UK evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people.


1.  The Impact of COVID-19 on Wellbeing in Scotland (Scottish Government, 2020)

2.  Asylum seekers are entitled to £37.75 per week.

3.  This is a numerical score for each country that aims to capture in a single number both the severity and the longevity of the measures that have been imposed. It embraces school/childcare closures, and also restrictions on children's freedom to be out of doors and play.

4.  The team are working with child health researchers from Canada, Brazil, Australia, Sweden and Spain to help examine and compare children's experiences and opinions about coronavirus information (COVID-19) from across the world.

5.  The presenting issues are registered against a service user following any interaction that displays this issue. This is typically during counselling, but could also be during any other interaction, such as comments in a forum. The comparison to last year is based on the proportion of the users that have presented with the particular issue, compared to the proportion last year, during the same time period.

6.   England & Wales Cricket Board (May 2020) Survey 

7.  See June and July briefings for findings from previous reports (details on how to acquire these provided at end of this document).

8.  Gustaffson, M. (2020). Young Workers in the Coronavirus Crisis. Resolution Foundation. Available at:

9. See p11 of the NSPCC report for full list of references.  See The State of Girls' Rights In The UK: early insights into the impact of coronavirus pandemic on girls (Play International, May 2020)

10.  Walking alongside children and other family members is felt to offer a form of 'side-by-side' rather than 'face-to-face' communication that is highly productive, since people accessing services often disclose more when on the move (Ferguson (2016)



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