Coronavirus (COVID-19): measures to mitigate the labour market impacts - report
This report from a sub-group of the Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board contains recommendations for actions and interventions to help mitigate the expected rise in unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Annex A: Membership of the Sub-group
- Nora Senior CBE, Chair Enterprise & Skills Strategic Board
- Frank Mitchell, Chair Skills Development Scotland
- Dr Caroline Barelle, CEO, Elasmogen
- Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Director & Chief Executive Scottish Chambers of Commerce
- Dr Mike Cantlay OBE, Chair Scottish Funding Council
- Simon Cotton, CEO Johnston's of Elgin
- Philip Grant, Chief Operating Officer, Lloyds Banking Group, Scotland
- Alan Savage, Chairman Orion Group
- Grahame Smith, General Secretary STUC
- Rob Woodward, Chair Developing the Young Workforce National Group
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