
Single-use disposable cups: EPECOM recommendations

The first report from Expert Panel on Environmental Charging and Other Measures (EPECOM) sets out its recommendations to tackle the dependence on, and environmental impact of, single-use disposable beverage cups in Scotland.


1. Note that the agreed term used by the Panel in this Report is single-use disposable beverage cups and this would, in the Panel’s view, be defined as widely as possible and include the lids commonly provided with these cups.

2. House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (2018) Disposable Packaging: Coffee cups. Second Report of Session 2017–19

3. According to calculations by Zero Waste Scotland

4. Keep Britain Tidy (2017) Written evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee


6. House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (2018) Disposable Packaging: Coffee cups. Second Report of Session 2017–19

7. Poortinga, W. (2019) EPECOM Rapid Review of Charging for Disposable Coffee Cups and other Waste Minimisation Measures – Full Report.

8. Cost-neutral in this instance meaning: demonstrating a clear separate charge for the cup and the beverage without raising the overall price of the consumption.

9. Based on evidence cited in the independent literature review that a minimum of 20p charge would be needed to change the behaviour of 49% of consumers, among other considerations.

10. Including the lid

11. House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee Report (2018) Disposable Packaging: Coffee cups. Second Report of Session 2017–19

12. A closed setting is defined for this Report as a relatively closed environment where consumers are predominantly based on that site and where it is less practical to purchase beverages elsewhere.



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