Independent Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour: review report

Review of antisocial behaviour with recommendations for strategic and sustainable cross-cutting approaches focusing on prevention and early intervention resolutions; partnerships; and support for victims, communities and people involved with antisocial behaviour (ASB).


Retailers can be at the social and economic heart of communities in villages, towns and city centres providing essential goods and services. Retail employment offers a range of opportunities from sales and marketing, logistics and distribution through to frontline roles - and valuable experience to young people, is open to people of all ages adopting a range of flexible working patterns to support work and life patterns.

The world of retail is constantly changing with independent shops, shopping centres, out-of-town retail centres and greater online presence. As well as opportunities, there are also challenges - even before the covid pandemic - town centres across the UK have been striving for regeneration and during the pandemic we saw retailers play an invaluable role but at the same time faced issues with some customers.

Scotland has its legislation aiming to protect retail workers from violence but the cost of living crisis swiftly followed the pandemic and the sector has highlighted concerns about verbal and physical abuse staff may face as well as property damage and theft issues.

Bigger retailers have capacity to invest in increased security for a safer environment, including body worn cameras, whilst smaller retailers - some single-person traders - who are often well known within their communities - are operating at finer margins and understandably may find this more challenging especially when organised crime is involved. This can also impact the mental health and wellbeing of staff.

Retail is also hugely diverse - we are all aware of these challenges faced by grocery and convenience stores, supermarkets, fast-food outlets and hospitality but there is less awareness of the extent of these challenges that other parts of the sector might face.

During our engagement, we have seen and heard some positive stories about retailers working with partners to support vulnerable local people gain opportunities such as in Stirling and by some national (fast-food) outlets, and retailers of varying sizes inviting young people into their stores to learn more about their people and gain a real insight of the sector. We are aware of strategic partnerships with the police to prevent and tackle acquisitive crime. Sharing best practice is an important part of this review.

Variations in the definitions and understanding of antisocial behaviour was a recurring theme throughout this review. Retailers described a range of behaviours throughout our dialogue with them ranging from criminal acts of violence and thefts to graffiti, threatening behaviour, harassment, intimidation and lower levels of shoplifting. Through our discussions it is clear that boredom, lack of facilities and poverty were key causal factors. The Working Group acknowledges, however, that many antisocial behaviour incidents in retail settings are in the context of serious and organised crime, acquisitive crime and exploitation. We heard from the retail sector of the impact on their businesses and that retailers are spending significant sums of money on body worn technology, CCTV, support for staff and are experiencing high turnover and heavy recruitment and agency costs. In tandem with losses made from damaged and stolen goods, there is a high fiscal and emotional consequence from these behaviours. Most of it is reactive.

We heard from discussion with other sectors, of the decreasing resources within communities - youth work, community learning and development, community resources, cafe and centres, at the same time that communities are experiencing higher costs of living, unemployment, lack of opportunity and hope.

It is clear that these are compelling factors for us to understand and prevent antisocial behaviour.

We must have effective enforcement for criminal behaviour - the Working Group is aware of organised crime being an issue in some of the bigger cities and ineffective responses including exclusion orders being used. We need the right tools and powers to deal with the social consequences.


  • Advance a culture of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing in the retail sector by continuing to implement tests of change, rigorously analysing data to understand impact, and sharing best practice models, such as the local community enterprise and McDonald’s approaches noted later in this report, to promote preventative rather than reactive strategies.
  • Leverage evidence to drive sector-wide improvements by sharing proven best practice and evidence of impactful approaches across the retail and other sectors to optimise resource allocation and maximise the effectiveness of budgets, with a focus on preventative efforts. Prioritise investment in prevention and youth engagement by redirecting resources toward preventative measures rather than reactionary in retail settings.
  • Differentiate antisocial behaviour from criminal activity by developing clear frameworks to distinguish antisocial behaviour from more severe criminal activities, such as theft, organised crime, gang involvement, and child exploitation, to ensure appropriate and effective interventions.

Within the retail sector we heard of several approaches and projects - two of which are detailed in as case studies. These approaches are preventative, cost very little in comparison to the cost of reactive technology and support and could be scaled up.

Case study - Local Community Enterprise (LCE)

An older teenage youth, referred to LCE by a Community Police Officer. Although no criminal convictions, the young person (YP) has frequent contact with the police. The Community Police Officer felt that finding activities to divert the person’s energy would be a positive step.

The person engaged regularly in one-to-one support from peer mentors for barrier removal and support and attended a weekly wood upcycling programme.

YP is a very personable and lively individual and is very open about their difficulties. YP gets on well with other members of the group and engages with more reticent participants. YP has shown great willingness and interest in the upcycling sessions and is currently engaged in a project to make a gift for a family member.

The YP has engaged fully and seems to enjoy not only the practical side but also the sociable element of the sessions. The YP has increased in confidence and sense of self and reduced involvement in antisocial behaviour. With increased confidence, the YP is now attending fitness classes at the local college campus and has applied to join the police. It is hoped that the relaxed, non-judgemental aim of the upcycling sessions will allow the YP a space to be creative and sociable and have a steadying influence.

The YP has recently completed a 12 week work experience placement with the local shopping centre where most of the previous antisocial behaviour took place. This restorative element had a powerful impact on the YP who continues to volunteer there.

Thanks to LCE for permission to use this case study.

Case study - McDonalds and BBC Children In Need

McDonalds and BBC Children In Need partnership delivers youth work activities in restaurants and connects with new young people. The fast food chain has made the commitment as one of the UK’s largest employers of young people. It has partnered with the BBC Children In Need charity since 2021.

This partnership launched its Makin’ It campaign to give young people greater access to youth services and to recognise the “unique ability of youth workers” in engaging with young people. As part of the campaign, BBC Children in Need and McDonald’s UK have committed to the funding of 1,000 new youth work qualifications (in National Youth Work Week, November 2024, doubled from 500), in order to help unlock the potential of young people in every community. McDonald’s will also be diverting an unspent part of its Apprenticeship Levy to support more youth workers to undertake their youth work apprenticeship in England. Makin’ it has already made a meaningful impact to young people’s lives, with an 18-month pilot phase opening doors for young people in restaurants in towns across UK & Ireland. More than 70 restaurants were paired with local youth projects and youth workers, giving young people in these communities a safe place to seek support. These restaurants are now facilitating regular drop-in sessions, workshops, training and informal meetings for youth workers and young people.

“The pivotal role that youth workers play in the lives of young people and the importance of meeting them where they are - both figuratively, and physically - cannot be understated,” said BBC Children in Need chief executive Simon Antrobus.

Thanks to McDonalds and BBC Children In Need for permission to use this case study.



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