Independent Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour: review report
Review of antisocial behaviour with recommendations for strategic and sustainable cross-cutting approaches focusing on prevention and early intervention resolutions; partnerships; and support for victims, communities and people involved with antisocial behaviour (ASB).
Appendix 2 - Engagement (list of participating stakeholders)
This is the list of stakeholder groups/organisations who gave their views and suggestions on approaches to antisocial behaviour mainly through input at engagement meetings/visits or on a one-to-one basis (most participated via Teams discussion else in person or writing). Some organisations attended more than one themed/sectoral meeting. In addition, this includes participation at discussion meetings held by the Scottish Community Safety Network on behalf of the Working Group.
Local Authority sector reps (officers, elected Members): Community Safety Partnership Leads, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) - senior councillors and officers from Community Wellbeing and Children and Young People Boards. Various officers and partners from City of Dundee, Fife and Shetland Councils.
Emergency Services: Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
Housing sector (social, private, voluntary):
private housing sector - Green and Burton (antisocial behaviour consultants), Property Mark, Scottish Landlords;
social/council housing - Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers, Cadder Housing, Chartered Institute of Housing, Osprey Housing, Scotland’s Housing Network, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Wheatley Group.
Voluntary sector: Citizens’ Advice Scotland.
Health sector: Compassionate Distress Response Service (part of Glasgow Association for Mental Health), Golden Jubilee University National Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Public Health Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Government (NHS workforce policy).
Transport sector(bus and rail):
trade / passenger bodies - Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers (councils, buses, rail and ferries), Confederation of Passenger Transport (bus and coach operators), Transport Focus (passenger watchdog for buses and rail);
bus operators - First Bus, McGills Buses, Lothian Buses, Stagecoach Group;
rail operators and partners - British Transport Police, Scotrail;
regional transport partnership body - Strathclyde Partnership Transport;
interest from England - Department for Transport (Bus Policy), Transport for West Midlands (Regional Transport Provider - Bus Policy);
Scottish Government -Transport Scotland - Bus, Rail and Roads Policy.
Retail sector:
ASDA, Dobbies Garden Centres, General Municipal and Boilermakers (GMB) Union, John Lewis Partnership (including Waitrose), Livingston Designer Outlet, McDonalds, National Federation of Independent Retailers, Retailers Against Crime, Scottish Grocers’ Federation, Scottish Wholesale Association, Securigroup, St Enoch Centre, Scottish Government (Retail Policy and Police Division - Retail Crime).
Youth organisations / Education Services:
Aberlour, Action for Children, BBC Children in Need, Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Children’s Parliament, Clan Child Law, Education Scotland, Includem, Intercultural Youth Scotland, Kibble, McDonalds, Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, Scottish Government (Children’s Hearings), Social Work Scotland, Strathclyde University (Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice), The Promise, Young Scot, Youthlink, Winning Scotland (Planet Youth);
various council service reps (children’s, families, social and youth support services) -
Argyll and Bute; Dumfries and Galloway; Dundee, East Ayrshire, East Lothian, East Renfrewshire, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Highland, Inverclyde, Midlothian, Moray, Perth and Kinross, Shetland, South Ayrshire, South Lanarkshire, Stirling, West Lothian.
Justice sector - some justice sector reps attended the youth organisations meeting which had some justice interest:
Care Inspectorate, Community Justice Scotland, Children’s Hearings Scotland, Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, Youthlink; young people’s / community justice representatives from three councils -
Angus, East Ayrshire, Glasgow.
Equality / Diversity groups:
MECOPP (Gypsy Travellers community), Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland (BEMIS), Feniks (Central Eastern European Community support), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Youth Scotland.
Victim support representatives: Victim Support Scotland including lived experience case studies; victim (from Fife) - lived experience feedback and views on approaches to antisocial behaviour; people who have committed antisocial behaviour - efforts were made to consult a person who had committed antisocial behaviour, recognised the impact and turned their life around but this wasn’t possible to take place.
Community representatives: Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) - the Scottish Community Safety Network approached TSIs to promote attendance at their community representatives’ engagement sessions which were held in Glasgow and Dundee with a mix of attendees including community bodies, community councils, community policing and local authority representatives.
Other Voluntary sector groups: Scottish Mediation
Other: Durham University (contextual safeguarding)
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