Independent Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour: review report

Review of antisocial behaviour with recommendations for strategic and sustainable cross-cutting approaches focusing on prevention and early intervention resolutions; partnerships; and support for victims, communities and people involved with antisocial behaviour (ASB).


The Independent Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour (see appendix 1 for membership), was established by the Minister for Victims and Community Safety to consider, and make recommendations on, Scotland’s strategic approach to understanding and preventing antisocial behaviour.

The remit of the group was to:

“Consider the effectiveness of current approaches to understanding, preventing and tackling antisocial behaviour and if, and how, these could be improved to develop a holistic long term strategic approach which will help to improve the lives of communities across Scotland. This should include consideration of whether a preventative approach would be appropriate and how victims of antisocial behaviour are supported and whether this could be improved”.

The Group has undertaken extensive engagement involving, among others, victims of antisocial behaviour, local government, the third sector, young people’s representatives, equalities groups, sector representatives from housing, health, transport, retail and justice, plus Education Scotland and Police Scotland.

The views of over 250 stakeholder organisations have been gathered and research was commissioned to develop a better understanding of the scale and types of antisocial behaviour being experienced. At times the group did hear conflicting views from those who had experienced antisocial behaviour, and the views of stakeholders supporting those who may cause antisocial behaviour. This ultimately goes to the heart of the need to take both a preventative and situational response.

Overwhelmingly through all engagement sessions, what the group heard had a direct correlation to inequalities, poverty and continued disinvestment in communities and youth work.



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