
Moray Maternity Services Review: report

Report of the independent review into maternity services for the women and families of Moray, commissioned by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman in March 2021.

Appendix H: Review Process for Considering Model

As previously stated, the Review Group agreed to carry out a process of evaluating all models of service provision under consideration to support its decision-making and reaching of conclusions. From this, the Moray Maternity Services delivery model would then evolve.

Each of the four main models were scored anonymously using pre-agreed criteria and proportionate weighting, as described below. Once submitted, the Programme Team collated all responses from Review Group members, and calculated the average score for each principle. The average score returned was then applied to the weighting for each criterion to achieve the score for that particular principle.

Scores for all criteria were then added together for each model to achieve the final overall score. The criteria used and the weighting out of 100 are listed below:

1 Safety and quality of service provision (30)

  • Does the proposed model under consideration provide a safe service?
  • Does it meet the standards and guidance for all professional groups?
  • Does it provide suitable accommodation?
  • Does it have access to other related services?
  • Can it provide support to patients in an emergency?
  • Is the model understood by staff, GPs, service users, and the general public?
  • Does it allow for skills of all staff to be maintained?

2 Positive user and stakeholder experience (20)

Does the proposed model under consideration allow for positive experiences for all stakeholders?

  • Staff
  • Patients
  • Support services
  • Carers and families

Does it meet the needs of all those users? Are there financial implications for families?

3 Financial sustainability (15)

How affordable is the proposed model under consideration to deliver the staffing required to meet the needs of each specialty?

  • Midwifery
  • Obstetrics
  • Anaesthetics
  • Paediatrics

Consider the ongoing financial sustainability and cost of infrastructure changes (whole system).

4 Workforce sustainability (25)

How does the proposed model under consideration support staff recruitment and retention to create a skilled, resilient and long term sustainable workforce?

How does the proposed model under consideration support the use of joint appointments/alternative recruitment and retention approaches to improve workforce sustainability?

5 Policy alignment (10)

How aligned is each proposed model under consideration with policy such as:

  • "Best Start Strategy"
  • "Best Start North"
  • professional policies
  • "Realistic Medicine"?
  • Equity impact?

How consistent is each proposed model under consideration with the expectation of the Commission Brief for the Review, and its Terms of Reference? And therefore, how likely is the model to be supported and improve the situation for local women, families and staff?



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