
Moray Maternity Services Review: report

Report of the independent review into maternity services for the women and families of Moray, commissioned by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman in March 2021.

Appendix I: Action Plan

Dr Gray's Maternity Model 4 Initiation Phase / Immediate actions
Actions Timeline Responsible Organisations Key Stakeholder/s Outcome
Clearly define criteria for delivery in Dr Gray's midwife-led maternity service (removing use of "Life and Limb support" Within 3 months NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

Midwifery team

Consultant obstetricians (Dr Gray's)

Dr Gray's management team

Clear criteria for maternal deliveries at Dr Gray's and at other sites, Aberdeen and Raigmore
Encourage appropriate "autonomy" of decision-making by midwifery staff at Dr Gray's, working within their scope of practice and agreed service / transfer Within 3 months NHS Grampian

Midwifery team Dr Gray's management team

NHS Grampian maternity service

Supported and confident midwifery team
Agree clear emergency / urgent transfer criteria and triggers between Dr Gray's and Raigmore / Aberdeen (presumption for emergency Intrapartum transfers to Raigmore) Within 3 months

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Mothers and families

Midwifery team at Dr Gray's

NHS Grampian maternity service

NHS Highland maternity service

Scottish Ambulance Service

Emergency transfers to Raigmore with minimum delay
Ensure that when managing transfers, within agreed criteria / triggers, that those transfers are accepted in a proactive manner so that the team at Dr Gray's are appropriately and adequately supported Within 3 months

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Mothers and families

Midwifery team at Dr Gray's

NHS Grampian Maternity service

NHS Highland Maternity service

Scottish Ambulance Service

Transfers to Raigmore or Aberdeen with minimum delay
Extend the use of staff with advanced skills (i.e. pharmacists / midwives with advanced skills) ensuring that skills are kept up-to-date Ongoing NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

Midwifery Team

Consultant obstetricians (Dr Gray's)

Dr Gray's management team

Enhanced staffing and service sustainability
Ensure that an effective and supportive multi-disciplinary "debrief" process is in place for any incident / "near miss" so that a culture of learning and improvement is developed and embedded Ongoing NHS Grampian

Mothers and families

Midwifery team at Dr Gray's

NHS Grampian Maternity service

NHS Highland Maternity service

Scottish Ambulance Service

Ongoing safety and quality of service provision
Progress Best Start North programme Ongoing

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

NHS Orkney

NHS Shetland

Mothers and families

Midwifery team at Dr Gray's

NHS Grampian Maternity service

NHS Highland Maternity service

NHS Orkney Maternity Service

NHS Shetland Maternity service

Scottish Ambulance Service

Increased sustainability and quality of maternity services across North Scotland Health Boards
Re-introduce elective caesarean sections to Dr Gray's hospital Within 6 months NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

Midwifery team

Consultant obstetricians (Dr Gray's)

Dr Gray's management team

Local elective sections; Increased number of local deliveries


The importance of culture to quality and safety in any service has been clearly articulated. The following recommendations are made, and should be progressed as a matter of priority:

Actions Timeline Responsible Organisations Key Stakeholder/s Outcome
Identify opportunities for staff to work across both Dr Gray's, Raigmore and Aberdeen to improve relationships and understanding between staff groups including at least midwives and obstetricians from both sites. Initiated within 3 months - then ongoing

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

Improved support for staff; Understanding and support for shared vision for Moray maternity services
Commission the delivery of a cultural safety programme aimed at the multi-disciplinary team working in Dr Gray's, including the relevant team members at Aberdeen so that the ownership of this work, and the relationships between Dr Gray's, Raigmore and Aberdeen are addressed as part of this work. Involvement of all senior clinical staff in this work should be mandatory Initiated within 6 months – up to 1 year to deliver

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

All staff groups Ongoing patient safety & high quality of service
Invest in and protect time for the creation of a whole team focus at Dr Gray's and between Dr Gray's, Raigmore and Aberdeen Initiated within 6 months - up to 2 years to deliver

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

All staff groups Service at Dr Gray's is owned as part of the maternity services in NHS Grampian and is delivered as part of a functioning networked service;


Effective leadership of any service, including good clinical leadership and management support, is essential if a service is to thrive. There has been a gap in leadership to the maternity service in Dr Gray's in recent years and good future leadership will be a critical success factor going forward. Progress has been made with the overall leadership for Dr Gray's and this must be supported and encouraged in the future:

Actions Timeline Responsible Organisations Key Stakeholder/s Outcome
Invest in the clinical leadership of the O&G service at Dr Gray's. The service should look to identify an experienced and respected senior clinician who can lead the service for at least the next five-year as the service goes through continued change and development: this post would require extended managerial sessions and be given appropriate management support Within 6 months – in place for up to up to 5 years NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

Consultant staffing groups

Midwifery team

NHS Grampian

Clinical Lead supporting development of future maternity model implementation
NHS Grampian should build on the recent development of Hospital management at Dr Gray's and the focus / responsibility for Dr Gray's within the Moray H&SC Partnership Ongoing

NHS Grampian / Moray

Integrated Joint Board

NHS Grampian

Moray community

Enhanced support from Leadership to Moray health services; Increased confidence in NHS Grampian by the Moray community
NHS Grampian, with local clinical leaders and the community, should develop a clear strategic plan and vision for the future of Dr Gray's Initiate within 6 months – process up to 3 years

NHS Grampian / Moray

Integrated Joint Board

Moray community

Grampian community

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

A clear strategic plan for the future of Dr Gray's Hospital
NHS Scotland should provide clear support for the ongoing sustainability of Dr Gray's as a key part of the NHS Scotland estate, including capital investment where required Ongoing Scottish Government / NHS Grampian

Moray community

Grampian community

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Sustainable Acute Hospital at Dr Gray's
NHS Grampian should ensure a clear programme plan and support arrangements (including governance) are in place to support the ongoing delivery of an improvement plan for maternity services in Moray In place within 3 months NHS Grampian

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

All staff groups

Moray community

Effective delivery of an improved maternity service in Moray; Enhanced community confidence
NHS Scotland should consider arrangements for ongoing oversight of the development of maternity services in Moray In place within 3 months Scottish Government

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Moray community / mothers and families

All staff groups

Improved confidence of the community into the future provision of Moray maternity services

Workforce and Recruitment

The recruitment and retention of the workforce will be the main driver of success for the sustainability and improvement of maternity services in Moray. This recognises the ongoing challenges associated with recruitment and retention in rural areas of Scotland, which are exacerbated in the North of Scotland.

Actions Timeline Responsible Organisations Key Stakeholder/s Outcome
A focussed approach to the recruitment of staff to Dr Gray's and the maternity service in particular, including a specific workforce development plan for the service In place within 3 months NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

A clear and creative workforce development plan for Dr Gray's in place
NHS Highland should take a similar focussed and creative approach to recruitment for the development of the Raigmore maternity service in line with maternity Service Level Agreement between NHSG and NHSH In place within 3 months NHS Highland

Mothers and families;

All staff Groups

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

A clear and creative workforce development plan for Raigmore maternity service in place
Consideration of the opportunities to maximise links with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) facilities at Lossiemouth and Kinloss Within 6 months

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Maximise the opportunities to the local NHS workforce from military families (partners) moving to Moray
Recruitment plan to be based on the "strengths" and "benefits" of living and working in Moray and the opportunities for joint appointments and cross service working with Aberdeen and Raigmore Hospital Within 6 months

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Sustainable workforce for maternity service across Moray and Raigmore
NHS Grampian / Dr Gray's must focus on the training experience of all junior doctors working in Dr Gray's Initiate within 6 months; and then ongoing

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

NHS Grampian

NHS Highland

Medical staff across Dr Gray's / Raigmore and Aberdeen

Enhanced quality of service; Improved long term recruitment and retention of staff
NHS Scotland (Scottish Government) should ensure the national workforce strategy and future national workforce plans clearly prioritise the challenges associated with rural recruitment and retention Within 1 year & ongoing Scottish Government

NHS Boards

Professional staff groups

National staffing regulators

Local Communities

Improved long term recruitment & retention to rural services in Scotland
NHS Scotland (Scottish Government) should develop a 'National Maternity Services Workforce Plan' that recognises the future workforce needs to sustain maternity services in rural areas that are consistent with the "Best Start" strategy Within 2 years Scottish Government

NHS Boards

Professional staff groups

National staffing regulators

Local Communities

Improved long term recruitment & retention to maternity services in rural Scotland
NES should develop and agree with relevant stakeholders a clear framework for advanced midwifery practice, which recognises the challenges and needs of all maternity units In 2 years NES

Scottish Government

NHS Boards

Midwifery staff

Improved long term sustainability of midwifery staffing across Scotland
Consideration of how student intake to midwifery and medical school can be appropriately managed to ensure adequate successful applicants from remote and rural Scotland (recognising that individuals from these areas are more likely to return to work in these areas in due course) Within 2 years and then ongoing

Scottish Government


Universities Staff groups

NHS Boards

Local Communities

Improved long term recruitment & retention to maternity services in rural Scotland
Following the development of an updated maternity services workforce plan, consideration must be given to the required junior doctor and midwifery training numbers necessary to support the future workforce across the whole of Scotland. This will need to include additional trainee numbers for the North of Scotland in obstetrics and anaesthetics, without reducing numbers elsewhere in Scotland Up to 5 years

Scottish Government


Universities Staff groups

NHS Boards

Local Communities

Improved long term recruitment & retention to maternity services in rural Scotland
Consideration should be given to the future role and scope of maternity care support workers within the maternity services' workforce 2 - 5 years

Scottish Government


Universities Staff groups

NHS Boards

Local communities

Improved long term recruitment & retention and workforce sustainability in maternity services in (rural) Scotland


The support of the community to the future of maternity services in Moray will be essential. There is a developing Maternity Voices Partnership[1] (MVP) group in Moray, and this should be encouraged and supported so that this becomes the main vehicle for constructive engagement with the local community:

Actions Timeline Responsible Organisations Key Stakeholder/s Outcome
NHS Grampian should invest time and energy to the ongoing development of the MVP group across Moray Ongoing NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

Maternity Voices continue to be engaged as maternity services develop within Dr Gray's
NHS Grampian should ensure this includes a clear engagement on the next steps in the development of local services, with regular updates and explanations of progress to the local community Within 3 months and then ongoing NHS Grampian

Mothers and families;

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

Enhanced confidence of local community in Moray services
The MVPs in Moray, Grampian and Highland, as well as other community groups are encouraged to support the recommendations in this report as the most appropriate way of developing maternity services in Moray Ongoing Moray MVP

Mothers and families;

Moray community

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

Enhanced confidence of local community in Moray services;

Improved recruitment & retention of staff

Elected representatives are encouraged to support the recommendations in this report as the most appropriate way of developing maternity services in Moray Within 3 months and Ongoing Local elected representatives

Mothers and families;

Moray community

All staff groups

NHS Grampian

Enhanced confidence of local community in Moray services;

Improved recruitment & retention of staff



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