
Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group: report

This report identifies recommendations to maximise primary care’s significant potential to tackle health inequalities and inequity across Scotland’s communities. The accompanying “Chance to Change Scotland” report also provides lived experience perspectives on the issues addressed in this report.

Foreword from Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group Chair

It has been a real privilege to chair the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group.

The recommendations in this report are the result of successful collaboration across different professions, sectors, and interests. Group members from a wide variety of backgrounds have brought evidence, challenge and experience to the group. Participation by those with lived experience of health inequalities and access to primary care was also essential. I would like to offer my thanks to members for their hard work and active participation to the Group, as this report would not have been possible without their contributions.

I would also like to thank the Chance 2 Change Group, including Leanne McBride, their facilitator, and Dr. Peter Cawston, who was the link between the Working Group and Chance 2 Change. Their powerful report offers an important and realistic view into how health inequalities impact upon some of our most vulnerable communities in Scotland, and challenges us to ensure that action is meaningful.

The Group built on a huge amount of existing work and reports, and sought to identify clear actions which were informed by existing evidence. The recommendations are clear that while tackling health inequalities requires broad action on social determinants well beyond health services, primary care has a key role to play. The recommendations combine practical actions which are achievable in the short term, with others which are undoubtedly aspirational reflecting the Group's philosophy that without ambition there is no change.

There is much to be done and this report aims to creates a framework for long term sustainable change. The reports into health inequalities led by Professor Sir Michael Marmot have informed and influenced the work of the group, and we are encouraged to "do something, do more, do better".

Lorna Kelly, Interim Director of Primary Care NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Professional Adviser to Scottish Government Primary Care Directorate

Foreword from Chance 2 Change Facilitator

C2C would like to thank the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short Life Working Group (SLWG) for the rare chance to have their voices/views heard in a platform that has the power to generate real change.

Working with the SLWG has been challenging but equally empowering for the individuals that have had the courage to share their experiences. The group hope the report highlights that the success of any service or system is reliant on listening to and working with the people that should benefit from them.

The outstanding collaborative work achieved between C2C and the SLWG should not be rare or unique but normal practice. Encouraging collaborative working to become normal practice necessitates action; engagement is key and encouraged when people feel heard and see beneficial change. C2C ask the Scottish Government and all relevant professionals to recognise their power, use it for positive change and create a fairer, more just Scotland.

Leanne McBride, C2C Facilitator



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