
Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group: report

This report identifies recommendations to maximise primary care’s significant potential to tackle health inequalities and inequity across Scotland’s communities. The accompanying “Chance to Change Scotland” report also provides lived experience perspectives on the issues addressed in this report.

Annex B: Summary of Commentary by the Expert Reference Group with Lived Experience

The Primary Care Health Inequalities Short Life Working Group were clear from the outset that the voices involved in agreeing on recommendations should not just be those of professionals and policymakers, but also of individuals with lived experience of the issues being addressed. The SLWG therefore worked alongside a small expert reference group called Chance 2 Change. The group is an established community peer support group with historical ties to Garscadden Burn Medical Practice in Glasgow. It was originally set up by a practice nurse with a QNIS Catalysts for Change grant,[31] but has evolved into an independent community group, hosted and supported by Drumchapel Life and Yoker Community Campus. Participants all have direct experience of both long term health conditions and of facing disadvantages, discrimination or social / economic exclusion. One of the original group gained a qualification in community development and is now the group peer-facilitator, employed on a sessional basis.

Watch Chance 2 Change tell their own story at:

Dialogue between the SLWG and Chance 2 Change was mediated through the peer-facilitator. The group discussions were based on two papers produced by the SLWG, one an overview of the themes being discussed, and the second a draft of the proposed recommendations, written into plainer English. The peer facilitator used these two resources to create source materials to stimulate meaningful conversations and used different techniques to ensure that the group felt comfortable with the topics and able to contribute. Discussions were incorporated naturally into the regular weekly meetings of the group over approximately nine months.

Various methods were used to record and feedback the outcomes of the Chance 2 Change discussions to the SLWG, including reports written by the peer facilitator, photography and a short video featuring the participants speaking in their own words. This expert commentary from people with direct experience was as a standing agenda item at SLWG meetings. One SLWG member met regularly with the peer-facilitator to ensure direct accountability back to Chance 2 Change.

Watch Chance 2 Change talk about their own experiences of unmet need, long term conditions and mental health at:

A full report has been published as a supporting document: A Chance to Change Scotland: Report of the Chance 2 Change Expert Reference Group with Lived Experience to the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short Life Working Group



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