Ministerial Scottish Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce: report and recommended actions
The final report of the Scottish Ministerial led Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce which makes a number of recommended actions that aim to make Scotland the best place for nurses and midwives to work.
Annex 3: End Notes
1 NRS Scotland (2024) Life Expectancy in Scotland, 2021-2023 | National Records of Scotland ( Between the early 1980s and early 2010s, life expectancy was increasing in Scotland but began to plateau from 2012-2014 onwards. It fell during the COVID-19 pandemic and has now risen slightly but remains lower than before the pandemic.
2 The Scottish Government (2023) The Scottish health survey. Population health - scottish-health-survey-2023-main-report-volume-1.pdf
3 The Scottish Government (2021) A Scotland for the future. scotland-future-opportunities-challenges-scotlands-changing-population.pdf
4 Public Health Scotland (2022) Scottish burden of disease study. Scottish Burden of Disease Forecasting Briefing (
5 NPEU(2024) MBRRACE-UK Maternal mortality 2020-2022. Maternal mortality 2020-2022 | MBRRACE-UK | NPEU
6 PHS (2024) Births in Scotland Births in Scotland - Year ending 31 March 2024 - Births in Scotland - Publications - Public Health Scotland
7 Amma Birth companions(2024) Birth outcomes and experience report Birth Outcomes & Experiences Report
8 Ekezie et al (2024) Perinatal health outcomes of women from Gypsy Roma and traveller communities: A systematic review Midwifery 2024 Feb 129:103910.
9 Campbell F, Conti G, Heckman JJ, Moon SH, Pinto R, Pungello E, Pan Y. Early childhood investments substantially boost adult health. Science. 2014 Mar 28;343(6178):1478-85. doi: 10.1126/science.1248429. PMID: 24675955; PMCID: PMC4028126.
10 RCM (2023) Scotland state of maternity services 2023. scottish-state-of-maternity-services-report-2023.pdf (
11 DoH Northern Ireland (2024) Enabling Safe Quality Midwifery Services and Care In Northern Ireland | Department of Health
12 NMC (2024) The NMC register Scotland 1 April 2023-31 March 2024 scotland-data-report-march-2024.pdf (
13 NES (2024) Quarterly workforce statistics. Data and reports | Turas Data Intelligence
14 Royal College of Midwives (2022) Scottish survey report. scotland-survey_final.pdf (
15 Royal College of Nursing Scotland (2023) The Employment survey 2023. Edinburgh. RCN
16 Moncrieff, G., Cheyne, H., Downe, S., Hunter, B. (2023) Factors that influence midwives’ leaving intentions: A moral imperative to intervene. Midwifery(125)
17 Ejebu, O., Philippou, J., Turnbull, J., Rafferty, A.M., Palmer, W., Prichard, J., Atherton, I., Jamieson, M., Rolewicz, L., Williams, M., Ball, J. (2024) Coming and going: A narrative review exploring the push-pull factors during nurses’ careers. International Journal of Nursing Studies (160).
18 UCAS (2024) 2024 cycle applicant figures – 31 January deadline | Undergraduate | UCAS
19 WHO (2020) State of the World’s Nursing 2020. Geneva: World Health Organisation. State of the world’s nursing 2020: investing in education, jobs and leadership (
20 WHO (2021) State of the World’s Midwifery 2021. Geneva: World Health Organisation. The State of the World’s Midwifery 2021 (
21 Buchan, J., Catton, H. (2023) Recover to rebuild. International Council of Nurses. ICN_Recover-to-Rebuild_report_EN.pdf
22 OECD (2024) Fewer young people want to become nurses in half of OECD countries. Fewer-young-people-want- to-become-nurses-in-half-of-OECD-countries.pdf
23 The Scottish Government (2023) International recruitment of health and social care personnel: code of practice - March 2023 (revised) -
24 WHO (2010) Managing health workforce migration - The Global Code of Practice. WHO, Geneva Managing health workforce migration - The Global Code of Practice
25 WHO (2021) Global strategic directions for nursing and midwifery 2021-2025. Geneva: World Health Organisation. The WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (2021–2025)
26 WHO (2021) Building better together, Roadmap to guide implementation of the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European Region. WHO Roadmap for the Strategic Directions.pdf
27 The Scottish Government (2025) The Listening Project
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