
Environmental governance in Scotland after Brexit: report

A study on the possible issues relating to future environmental governance in Scotland on the UK's withdrawal from the EU.

6 Recommendations for Future Work

6.1 This has been a brief, focused and quickly delivered project with significant dedicated time and expertise used. Nonetheless we were only able to do so much in the time available and although members gave their time generously, there were several areas where we had insufficient information or access to relevant inputs and other practical limitations on our consideration.

6.2 Several areas, especially where policy and governance concerns coincide, require or would benefit from further research and consideration with expert input. We are happy, if needed to explore this and offer further views were this desired and helpful.

6.3 The Group considers that it would also be helpful to examine international examples such as the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment in New Zealand and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, as well as the current Commissioner for Sustainable Development in Victoria State, Australia and the former Sustainable Development Commissioner in Canada. [27] Several overseas jurisdictions, including those with devolved/federal arrangements, have also established (Land, Resources, and) Environmental Courts or Tribunals. Whilst recognising the different constitutional settings and powers etc., these may prove instructive is suggesting possible approaches applicable to Scotland's situation.

6.4 Should a decision to be taken to establish a new body (or bodies) then the Round Table would be happy to advise in more detail on its potential remit and scope.


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