
Scoping review of intensive psychiatric inpatient care provision for young people in Scotland: report

Report on a scoping review of intensive psychiatric inpatient care provision for young people in Scotland.


The review team wishes to thank the following staff from NHS Scotland for their input in the consultation process and for providing quantitative data on patient admissions. From the new National Secure Adolescent Inpatient Service in NHS Ayrshire and Arran: Eileen Bray, Stuart MacKenzie and Dr Helen Smith. Thanks to staff from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde: including Andrea Blair, Dr Anoop Devasahayam, Jacqueline Hardie, Dr Laximi Kathuria and Hilary Smith from the CAMHS Inpatient Unit. Also from NHSGGC: Dr Lucy Carrick from the Adult IPCU, John Gilmour from the Violence Reduction Service and Julie Metcalfe from Specialist Children's Services. Thanks also to staff from NHS Lothian's CAMHS inpatient unit: Dr Kevin Brown, Margaret Monan, Barry Muirhead, Dr Ereni Skouta and Jenny White, as well as Dr Jane Cheeseman from NHS Lothian's Adult IPCU. From NHS North of Scotland Network: thanks to Susan Hynes, Dr Kandarp Joshi and Lynne Taylor from the CAMHS inpatient Unit.

The review team wishes to extend special thanks to Dr Laxmi Kathuria, Andrea Blair, Susan Hynes and Dr Laura Sutherland (NHS North of Scotland Network) for providing feedback on the report.

Thanks are also extended to Chief Social Work Officers: Jackie Irvine from Edinburgh Council, Stephen Morgan from Dumfries and Galloway Council, and Karen Ralston from Highland Council for their input in consultations.

The report acknowledges the difficulty in gathering perspectives from young people that have been admitted to inpatient services during this review process. The review team would therefore like to thank Pauline Cavanagh, Margaret Howie, Ellie Lawrence and Margaret Smith from Partners in Advocacy for attempting to offer a means to collect young people's perspectives.



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