Children (Scotland) Act 2020 - alternatives to court and funding of alternative dispute resolution pilots: report

Report on the Scottish Ministers progress between 1 October 2020 and 1 April 2021 on establishing a pilot of the meetings on alternatives to court and on funding of alternative dispute resolution as per the duties under section 23(1) (funding for alternative dispute resolution) and section 24(1) (pilot scheme for mandatory alternative dispute resolution meetings) of the Children (Scotland) Act 2020.

Annex B Civil service travel expenses rates

Expense type Rate/unit
Motor cycle allowance £0.24 per mile
Motor mileage rate £0.45 per mile
Passenger supplement £0.05 per mile
Pedal cycle allowance £0.20 per mile
Public transport bus Receipted, no maximum
Public transport ferry Receipted, no maximum
Public transport rail (standard) Receipted, no maximum
Public transport taxi Receipted, no maximum
Public transport Tube Receipted, no maximum



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