
Report to the Scottish Parliament on Progress to Identify a Scottish Network of Marine Protected Areas

This reports on which sites are currently included in the MPA network and outlines progress on Nature Conservation MPAs, Historic MPAs, and Demonstration and Research MPAs.

Annex E Other area-based measures

Table 7.1 Fisheries management areas established for nature conservation purposes considered to be contributing to the Scottish MPA network

OSPAR Region Fisheries management area Restriction summary
II North-east UK sandeel closure (CA1) Year round closure on sandeel fishing with the exception of a commercial monitoring fishery with a precautionary Total Allowable Catch. Sandeel fishery. EC No. 40/2008
III Lamlash Bay Year round prohibition of all fishing for sea fish within Lamlash Bay, Isle of Arran, regardless of the method of fishing employed. SSI No. 317/2008
V North West Rockall Vessels are prohibited from bottom trawling and fishing with static gear, including bottom set gill-nets and long-lines, for the protection of vulnerable deep-sea habitats such as corals and sponges. EC regulation No. 40 2008
V Darwin Mounds Vessels are prohibited from using any bottom trawl or similar towed nets operating in contact with the bottom of the sea for the protection of deepwater coral reefs. EC regulation No. 602/2004
V West Rockall Mound Vessels are prohibited from bottom trawling and fishing with static gear, including bottom set gill-nets and long-lines, for the protection of vulnerable deep-sea habitats such as corals and sponges. EC regulation No. 40 2008
V Hatton Bank

Table 7.2 Other existing fisheries management areas considered to be contributing to the Scottish MPA network

OSPAR Region Fisheries management area Restriction summary
V Blue Ling Management Area - edge of Rosemary Bank ( FRA) Restriction of blue ling catch during the spawning season
V Blue Ling Management Area - edge of continental slope ( FRA) Restriction of blue ling catch during the spawning season

Figure 10 Other area-based measures considered to afford protection to marine habitats and species

Figure 10 Other area-based measures considered to afford protection to marine habitats and species


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