
Simplifying agricultural regulation: taskforce report

Report of the Simplification Taskforce.

3. Next steps

The Taskforce and its subgroups have made a significant contribution to the themes raised. The current Taskforce format has completed its purpose and we have asked members, where they are willing, to act as a sounding board for progress on simplification as we move into formulation of new policy in the future.

We have already implemented, or will implement, actions around recommendations 1, 6 and 7 with further analysis required on recommendations 2, 3, 4 and 5 to better understand the impacts on the customer and internal processes. The further work needed would include business impact analysis to establish feasibility, practicality, staff resource demands and cost-versus-benefits to the customer.

It is worth reiterating that the output from the Simplification Taskforce has been fed into the 2021-2024 Group and the Farming and Food Production Group to ensure that the clear principles established by the Taskforce are taken into consideration in future policy development. Further analysis and work of the Taskforce recommendations will be incorporated within those work programmes in line with their delivery time scales.

Douglas Petrie
Simplification Taskforce Lead

Marcus Mackenzie
Simplification Taskforce Project Manager



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